Saturday, August 27, 2011

Spoiler Warning: Issue 9

Spoiler Warning. Issue Nine.

This is going to be a new style of discussion for things that haven't ended yet. There is an obvious spoiler warning attached and these are all my best aproximations of what's to come.

Our topic today? Doctor Who Season Six Part Two.

Welcome to Issue Nine. In Today's discussion I'll lead us along a road that answers the question of what's going to happen in Season Six part Two of Doctor Who.

This here is a bit of a cheat, filled in after the fact.  Circa 11am, September 10th 2011.
So Obviously there are numerous discussions out there about what was, is and will be.

I'm going to limit my probing to certain things.

So in order from River's perspective:

A Good Man goes to War(as Melody)
The Impossible Astronaut(as Melody)
Day of the Moon(As Melody)
Let's Kill Hitler(as Mels)
The Wedding of River Song
A Good Man Goes to War(As River)
The Impossible Astronaut(as River)
The Day of the Moon(As River)
The Pandorica Opens
Time of the Angels
Flesh and Stone
The Silence in the Library
The Forest of Death

So clearly we have some holes to fill.  Now that doesn't mean we won't ever fill those holes, but some holes will be left open but we know that River dies in The Forest of Death and doesn't regenerate, at least not in the Doctor's presence.

Now It should also point out a few other things since it appears it ALL MATTERS.
Our Overlord, Mr. Moffat, also wrote:
The Girl in The Fireplace
The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances

Now, we've already seen a link to Blink in Flesh and Stone/Time of the Angels.
We've seen River song(Obviously)
And we've seen the idea behind the Girl in The Fireplace play out in a way that fits the Doctor's lifestyle(River). 
What we haven't seen, other than more Jack, is a connection to the Empty Child and the Doctor Dances.    I suspect we will.  And not only will we, we will also see the transition from Mels to River, and more of The Doctor and River's relationship.  NEXT SEASON.  Yes, we get a big point in this finale(The Wedding  of River Song) but it seems more likely we will get to experience even more in season seven.  I do believe that River being placed in the Stormcage is a key moment we will see. 

Oh, you wanted to hear about The Doctor dying?  Well, yeah he will.

Alright see you next time.

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