Monday, June 20, 2011

The top 11 DCnU titles that I believe are going to be terrible.

This is the companion piece to my top 11 most excitable titles.

11.Detective Comics
I know, I know. But the mediocre nature of the writer, and putting him in charge of Bruce Wayne doesn't sit right with me. It could be good, but it also seems like to fall into Battle For the Cowl instead of Life after Death.

 10.  OMAC
Oh man, Dan Didio.  Every time I see his name on a book to be written I feel a pit in my stomach.  His works are also so full of love and admiration for the characters he writers but more often than not he gets so much wrong that the book falls apart.  And worse this is a mediocre take on a wonderful concept.

When I first see a solicit and my reaction is, "Isn't there a better book that could have been in it's place?"  You know that book should exist.  Now it might be that this turns out to be the great series ever, but as it stands nothing about it makes me excited.

8. Catwoman
Read the solicit.  It should be in either part two or part three of my series of dicussions.  This sounds really, really bad.

7. Men of War
It's been some time since a good War comic produced in the mainstream DCU existed, the idea that one would still manage to pull something off seems unlikely.

6. I, Vampire

I honestly know nothing about this book. But from everything shown, said, and implied about the book it is simply a cheap grab at trying to get that pre-teen girl audience and that isn't exciting at all.

White man writing the Batman of Africa.  Nuff Said.

4.Captain Atom
See next entry for teh same response.

3.Resurection Man
Oh man, I love DNA.  I really do.  They area  wonderful team, but sometimes they only have ideas that are for serial stories, and those stories are very, very weak.  And based on the solicit here, I have zero interest to even look at the book in the store.

2.Green Arrow
JT Krul has almost as much stigma to me as James Robinson for Cry For Justice.  Everything he does feels wrong and not at all like Oliver Queen and I for one can not abide this books existence despite my love for the character.

1.  Hawk and Dove.
Liefeld turns gold into ugly death,  He is pure plague to comics.

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