Sunday, June 26, 2011

If I were DC EIC, how would I restructure the DCU...(A What-If scenario)

Alright so If I was EIC of DC, then obviously I'm going to have my own eddicts and the first is this:
Number one:  No character shall star in more than 2 books.
  This does not discount guest spots but it does mean that Action Comics and Detective comics won't feature Batman and Superman.  But that's for later down the article. The one exception is Batman:Leviathan.
Number two is that this will pick up from the universe PRE-Flashpoint.  It isn't that Flashpoint isn't good, but that it's ramifications likely result in the DCnU so we are working under a different assumtion...
Number three:  A special Issue 0 will answers some questions as to what happend.  There will be 6 issue Zeros, double shipping the first and last week as a weekly series of events.  These Issue Zeros will be labeled with The Cataclysm PART X.  So even though they are all Issue zero, these issues set up the world. 

We also have some goals for each of these books:
Goal one:  Every book needs to have  a purpose beyond "Let's Showcase this hero!"  One except is that DC UNIVERSE PRESENTS shall exist for that purpose, to give heroes who don't get a book of their own an issue, a story arc, something. 

Goal two:  Maintain a unified universe but keep the books also self-contained.  A reader should be able to read just Batman and get a story, a reader should be able to read just Justice League and get a story.

So I'm going to start this off with the simplicity of which titles do I not care for and need to be removed without question:
48.Blackhawks #1 by Mike Costa and Ken Lashley
49.Sgt. Rock and the Men of War #1 by Ivan Brandon and Tom Derenick
44.Legion of Superheroes #1 by Paul Levitz and Francis Portela
45.Static Shock #1 by John Rozum, Scott McDaniel, and Jonathan Glapion
46.Hawk and Dove #1 by Sterling Gates and Rob Liefeld
40.RESURRECTION MAN #1 writers Abbnet and Lanning
41. I, VAMPIRE #1 by Josh Fialkov and Andrea Sorrentino
42.Voodoo #1 by Ron Marz and Sami Basri
33. Red Hood and the Outlaws Scott Lobdell
21.Batman: Dark Knight David Finch

30. OMAC #1 by Dan Didio, Keith Giffen and Scott Koblish
16.Nightwing #1 by Kyle Higgins and Eddy Barrows:

9.Mister Terrific #1 by Eric Wallace & Roger Robinson

10.Captain Atom #1 by JT Krul & Freddie Williams II
5.The Fury of Firestorm #1 by Ethan Van Sciver, Gail Simone & Yildray C
6.The Savage Hawkman #1 by Tony Daniel & Philip Tan
51.Deathstroke #1 by Kyle Higgins, Joe Bennett and Art Thibert

So the next list is books whose announced creative teams require tweaking.
47.SUICIDE SQUAD #1, written by Adam Glass with art by Marco Rudy

7.Green Arrow #1 by JT Krul & Dan Jurgens

8.Justice League International #1 by Dan Jurgens & Aaron Lopresti

43.Supergirl #1 by Michael Green, Mike Johnson and Mahmud Asrar

31.Legion Lost #1 by Fabian Nicieza and Pete Woods

32.Teen Titans written by Scott Lobdell, pencilled by Brett Booth
27. Bat-Wing from Judd Winick and Ben Oliver

28.Superboy #1 by Scott Lobdell, R.B. Silva and Rob Lean
18. Detective Comics #1 by Tony Daniel

22.Catwoman , written by Judd Winick and illustrated by Guillem March.

23.Birds of Prey  writer Duane Swierczynski teams up with Jesus Saiz

Whose creative team will now be:
18. Detective Comics by Duane Swierczynski
22.Catwoman by Phil Hester
23.Birds of Prey by Gail Simone
28.Adventure Comics (Formerly Superboy) By Geoff Johns
27. Bat-Wing  by undiscoved black writer.  Seriously, this book needs to have a black writer covering the black Batman. 
32.Teen Titans by SCOTT KOLINS

31.Legion Lost Paul Levitz and Francis Portela

43.Supergirl By Sterling Gates
8.Justice League International By Judd Winnick
7.Green Arrow by TONY BEDARD

The new books I am creating are:
5.  Speed Force

6. Aqualad
9.Red Robin and Speedy

10.  The Spectre
16.The Guardian and the New Justice

21.Black Lightning
30. Starman by James Robinson
33. The Shade

40.  Luthor

41.  Batman: BEYOND
44.   the Spirit
45.  Seven Soldiers of Victory
46.  JSA:  Origins
48.  Time Masters by Dan Jurgens

49. Secret Six by Gail Simone
18. Hawkworld

And thus the entire line shall look like this:
1.Justice League By Geoff Johns and Jim Lee

2.Wonder Woman #1 by Brian Azzarello & Cliff Chiang
3.Aquaman #1 by Geoff Johns & Ivan Reis
4.The Flash #1 by Francis Manapul & Brian Buccellato
5. Speed Force

6. Aqualad
7.Green Arrow by TONY BEDARD

8.Justice League International By Judd Winnick

9.Red Robin and Speedy

10. The Spectre
11.DC Universe Presents #1 (Anthology)
12.Green Lantern #1 by Geoff Johns, Doug Mahnke and Cristian Alamy
13.Green Lantern Corps #1 by Peter Tomasi, Fernando Pasarin, and Scott Hanna
14.Green Lantern: The New Guardians #1 by Tony Bedard and Tyler Kirkham
15.Red Lanterns #1 by Peter Milligan and Ed Benes
16.The Guardian and the New Justice

17. Batman #1 Greg Capullo on as artist and Scott Snyder
18.Detective Comics by Duane Swierczynski

19. Batgirl writer Gail Simone and artists Ardian Syaf and Vicente Cifuentes.
20. Batman and Robin by Pete Tomasai
21.Black Lightning

22.Catwoman by Phil Hester

23.Birds of Prey by Gail Simone
24.SwampThing by Scott Snyder
25.Batwoman by JH WILLIAMS
26. Animal Man by Jeff Lemire
27. Bat-Wing  by undiscoved black writer.
28.Adventure Comics (Formerly Superboy) By Geoff Johns

29. Superman #1 by George Perez and Jesus Merino
30. Starman by James Robinson

31.Legion Lost Paul Levitz and Francis Portela

32.Teen Titans by SCOTT KOLINS

33. The Shade

34.Grifter #1 by Nathan Edmondson, CAFU and BIT
35. Blue Beetle by Tony Bedard and Ig Guara
36. Action Comics #1 by Grant Morrison and Rags Morales
37.JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK #1, by Peter Milligan and artist Mikel Janin
38.DEMON KNIGHTS #1. Paul Cornell and artists Diogenes Neves and Oclair Albert
39.FRANKENSTEIN, AGENT OF SHADE #1 writer Jeff Lemire and artist Alberto Ponticelli.
40. Luthor

41. Batman: BEYOND

43.Supergirl By Sterling Gates

44. the Spirit

45. Seven Soldiers of Victory

46. JSA: Origins
47.SUICIDE SQUAD by Gail Simone
48. Time Masters by Dan Jurgens

49.Secret Six by Gail Simone

50.All-Star Western #1 by Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti and Moritat
51. Batman:Leviathan by Grant Morrison and Friends

52.Stormwatch #1 by Paul Cornell and Miguel Sepulveda

The Issue Zeroes, the foundation of this new restructuring shall be:
Batman:  This will  show how Gotham City is affected by The Cataclysm
Superman:   This will show how Metropolis was affected by The Cataclysm
Aquaman:  Atlantis and Arthur's extended family will be on Display here
Green Lantern:  As the Cataclysm explodes, watch as OA and the Green Latern Corps attempt to prevent it.
Wonder Woman:  Wonder Woman and the rest of Themescaria discover that a great evil had been unleashed from XXXXXX.
Deadman*:  For Deadman, everything changes.  Deadman is rendered helpless and forced to watch the creation of a villain, and his plan to ruin Justice in the world.

Each of these titles are going to represent that characters view on The Cataclysm.  A Temporal event that revises the entire universe. 

*Deadman does not get his own titled series, but does get an issue Zero special.

So who do these new books star?  Well most of them are pretty obvious butttt....
1.Justice League By Geoff Johns and Jim Lee

Wonder Woman leading Black Lightning, Black Canary, Superman, Aquaman, the Flash

2.Wonder Woman #1 by Brian Azzarello & Cliff Chiang
3.Aquaman #1 by Geoff Johns & Ivan Reis
Arthur Curry, Aqua Lad, Mera
4.The Flash #1 by Francis Manapul & Brian Buccellato
Barry Allen
5. Speed Force
Wally West, Bart Allen, Jay Garrick, Jesse Quick
6. Aqualad
Aqualad and Mera
7.Green Arrow by TONY BEDARD
Green Arrow and Black Canary
8.Justice League International By Judd Winnick
Fire, Ice, Blue Beetle, Booster Gold. Rocket Red, Captain Atom
9.Red Robin and Speedy
10. The Spectre
11.DC Universe Presents #1 (Anthology)
First story to be a Deadman story trying to atone for the events of The Cataclysm

12.Green Lantern #1 by Geoff Johns, Doug Mahnke and Cristian Alamy
Hal Jordan, Sinestro, Saint Walker,
13.Green Lantern Corps #1 by Peter Tomasi, Fernando Pasarin, and Scott Hanna
Guy Guardner and John Stewart
14.Green Lantern: The New Guardians #1 by Tony Bedard and Tyler Kirkham
Kyle Rayner and Larfleeze, Brother Warth, Indigo-7, Carol Farris,
Red  Lanterns #1 by Peter Milligan and Ed Benes
Atrocious and Dex-Starr
16.The Guardian and the New Justice
The Guardian leads a team called New Justice.  Members include John Stewart, Green Arrow, Cyborg, Hawkman,
17. Batman #1 Greg Capullo on as artist and Scott Snyder
Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle
18.Detective Comics by Duane Swierczynski
The Question and Huntress
19. Batgirl writer Gail Simone and artists Ardian Syaf and Vicente Cifuentes.
 Barbara Gordon(as both Oracle and Batgirl).
20. Batman and Robin by Pete Tomasai
Dick Greyson(as Batman) and Damien Wayne (as Robin).
21.Black Lightning
22.Catwoman by Phil Hester
23.Birds of Prey by Gail Simone

24.SwampThing by Scott Snyder
25.Batwoman by JH WILLIAMS
26. Animal Man by Jeff Lemire
27. Bat-Wing by undiscoved black writer.
28.Adventure Comics (Formerly Superboy) By Geoff Johns
29. Superman #1 by George Perez and Jesus Merino
30. Starman by James Robinson

31.Legion Lost Paul Levitz and Francis Portela
The Legion of super Heroes

32.Teen Titans by SCOTT KOLINS
Red Robin

33. The Shade
34.Grifter #1 by Nathan Edmondson, CAFU and BIT
35. Blue Beetle by Tony Bedard and Ig Guara

36. Action Comics #1 by Grant Morrison and Rags Morales
Captain Marvel

37.JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK #1, by Peter Milligan and artist Mikel Janin
As solicitiated

38.DEMON KNIGHTS #1. Paul Cornell and artists Diogenes Neves and Oclair Albert
39.FRANKENSTEIN, AGENT OF SHADE #1 writer Jeff Lemire and artist Alberto Ponticelli.
40. Luthor
41. Batman: BEYOND
43.Supergirl By Sterling Gates
44. the Spirit

45. Seven Soldiers of Victory
Set after Morrisons Seven Soldiers, this continues the style by using 7 individual issues to tell over arching storylines.

46. JSA: Origins
Captain Marvel, Black Canary(Original), Younger Jay Garrick, Sandman, Abin Sur, Doctor Fate and Alan Scott.  Blue Beetle(I), Power Girl, and Isis appear. 

47.SUICIDE SQUAD by Gail Simone
Sasha Bordeaux
Harley Quinn
Shark King

48. Time Masters by Dan Jurgens
Rip Hunter
Booster Gold
49.Secret Six by Gail Simone

50.All-Star Western #1 by Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti and Moritat
As Solicitied
51. Batman:Leviathan by Grant Morrison and Friends
Batman INC
52.Stormwatch #1 by Paul Cornell and Miguel Sepulveda
As solicitied

And finally, what does is the purpose of this book and what does it's first storyline look like?
Well for that you must wait.

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