Saturday, October 9, 2010

A worthy sucsessor to the Batman Franchise -- a review of Batman:Under the Red Hood

This voice of the Joker is strange but it kind of works. It's a new, third major take on the joker.

The Joker's beating of Jason Todd is really disturbing and it really works.
Ra's Al Ghul's early appearance is really nifty and enjoyable.

"I should teach you some manners...nah I'm just going to keep beating you with this crow bar."

I love it. This is by and far one of the best intros to a DC animated movie ever. and the love and care of this story is brilliant.

The characterization here by the voice actors in conjunction with the animation is really superb.
That intro 5 minute sequence is by and far the king of DC animated work.

It takes all of about 3 minutes to make the red hood appear as both a credible threat nad an interesting villain/

It's called Amaze-o. He looks like Namor. It makes me laugh.
The inclusion of Nightwing is an important one. It's setting up some good parallel's between Jason and Dick.

Unfortunately it is offset by the fact that random thugs know he's the first Robin. What. The Hell. Alright first point down.
The brutality here is impressive. They say he(the robot Amaze-O) has the same weak points as a human, so Nightwing stabs hin in the ears. Hardcorestyle.
Nightwing feels like a Robin here. He has an opinion and acts like a Robin but a little older. His characterization is better than it was in the animated series.
And The Red Hood comes out swinging. Continuing to prove himself a credible threat. The film also keeps mentioning Black Mask but we haven't seen him yet. I'd have liked that established since his presence in the animated series was never known and therefore he isn't quite as big of a villain as others such as Two-Face...I.E. if you don't read comics, you've never heard of him.

And a nifty flashback to the original Red Hood, Joker. That is quite interesting.
This is a great time to mention that I love the character work going on with Jensen Ackles, the Red Hood's voice actor. He hits the beats just right and he makes a fine addition to the DCU voice actors.
I also just realized it's Neil Patrick Harris as Nightwing. Which is a credit to NPH's work here.

This further introduction to Black Mask is a success. Which seems to be a theme for this film.

The mixture of different time period costumes in the flashbacks and the structure of the story is really well done.

Once the Black Mask kicks into gear and attacks the Red Hoods territory, the Red Hood switches into the awesome gear and proves his mantle as a compelling character. Also, a guy is burned alive.

Dare I say it? They made The Red Hood likable. It's insane. I approve. I'd argue it's his humor. He feels more like an evil Dick Grayson, and he actually acts the way Dick would if he had gone through it, still having that spirit there, but ultimately fallen.

And something I really apperciate, that keeps this animated film feeling like a film is establishing shots and just shots of the environments like bats on the ceiling of the bat cave even though Bruce is reading on the computer.

The actors playing the Black Mask's henchmen have no emotion and they fail pretty badly. And then there is Black Mask who is chewing up the scenery.

"I have to deal with a psychotic" "That doesn't sound good sir." On paper this could have sounded really flat but here it works for a chuckle the amount of chuckle that should be in a Batman story.

I feel like the key element to a Batman story is that they are dark, dank, and depressing offset by small moments of levity or a Robin. But that is a discussion for a later day, aka why Batman needs Robin.

A great little use of the Joker is that the villain's here all think of the Joker as a weapon and he is clearly smarter and craftier than any of them. It's very smart on the part of Judd Winnick, the writer.
"I need some guys. [pause]. Not these guys because they are kind of dead."

A) They pronounced Ra's Al Ghul right! B) Great characterization here again.

I really don't want to spoil the third act anymore than I have to but let's just say the movie doesn't let up and might be the best DCU animated movie(I'll amend this later tonight after I finish watching all of them).

Absolutely an A. Not quite perfect, but like Gotham Knight, something I would gladly hold onto in my collection.

And then One with the Crowbar!

Party Pooper, No kick for you.

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