Sunday, September 19, 2010

An Open Ad: Writer Seeks Artist

Hi there.
I'm a writer.
I'm looking to get my comic project off the ground. Problem is, I need someone who can draw. I can't draw. My drawings come out looking like something out of Cyanide and Happiness, or xkcd. Not so bueno when I want to do something of merit.

So the project? Well aesthetically I want to do something along the lines of Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead. (Gray scale)

It will involve an Alien invasion.

So I am looking for artists.

If you are interested, please email me a sketch of what you think our Alien Invaders would look like.
I haven't written the script. I actually want the project to be a collaborative effort. So I'd want to have someone who has some knowledge of story(and what alien stories have been done) so that we can craft something unique.

Still interested?

Email me at
use the subject Invasion
and a second email, with the same contents, with the subject Artist
The redundancy is so that Gmail doesn't screw up.

Thanks folk!
Look forward to working with someone!

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