Sunday, September 26, 2010

Brainsss Brainssss? No, this game has no brains - a review of Dead Rising 2

Dead Rising 2

Crashed twice under no specific circumstances. It really is the weirdest thing, it just sometimes kinda craps out on you. my set up was optimum and I had most of the settings turned down. I've now rearranged it so that I can try it on lowest possible settings. It should be said that on lowest settings the visuals look terrible in the cut scenes, but the game play works fine. The acting in the game is pretty bad, and the story while starting out promising, is ultimately really disappointing. More so that even though this is Dead Rising 2, this is the first one PS3 and PC but it gives no explanation for the zombies. I'm sure that's the story of one, but since DR 1 isn't on PC or Ps3, I question even a data summary of the events.
The rough story is that Chuck is a father whose wife died in the initial outbreak. His daughter was infected but a daily treatment keeps her from changing. Chuck was fighting ina reality tv show that had people fighting zombies, gladiator style, and an accident happens. Chuck then escapes to a shelter and now is out to find medicine for his daughter as he has 3 days left until the military arrives. To make matters worse Chuck is blamed for the accident and he has to clear his name.
There are Zombies, greedy humans, Psycho humans, and all kinds of weapons here. If you are looking for a 3-D beat em up, with zombies, this is it. This is the answer to your question. It is fun, for a spell, but it does get old quick. You can figure out a lot of the story pretty quick and the game is short enough where you'll clear it in a day or two. The important facts are these. There is an rpg style leveling system that slowly makes you a bigger bad ass. You learn new weapon combos as time goes on and you solve new bits. The game is really repetitive, and I can't see this game holding someone who isn't a pure zombie enthusiast entertained for more than 2 weeks. But it isn't a pure loser.
Again, I'm running on the PC version, and I've had the game crash on me twice.
Some neat little features you might not have heard about:
When you die, you have the option to restart story mode but maintain your current level. This is really useful because you can grind through early parts to improve your skills for the harder bits.
There are boss fights, but they don't flat out call themselves boss fights. Many of them are optional and are otherwise like a super annoying enemies.
I believe(but haven't confirmed) that you can play through the whole game and not kill a single zombie.
The customizable weapons are cool.
The story, cut scenes, and acting are all terrible.

Ultimately my experience has been one that says this is at best a 6.1. Don't get me wrong, I want to own a copy on PS3 so that I don't have to worry about crashes but this game really isn't for everyone and really isn't a winner. It is better than the first one, but only marginally.

Passable, but you won't miss much if you choose to pass on playing it.

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