And now the moment like four people have been waiting for.
Why did I choose the books I am going to read:
The easiest answer to this question is the creators involved. So obviously Scott Snyder books get pulled, Batwoman gets pulled, Grant Morrison gets pulled. But what about the other couple books? Well The Batman and Robin team both in terms of creators and stars(Pete Tomasi and Patrick Gleason/ Bruce Wayne and Damien Wayne) both are worth the price of admission. Blue Beetle, Red Lanterns, and Aquaman are all characters that I want to see what their latest incarnation is doing. It's possible that after one issue I'll need to drop them, but we'll burn that bridge in September. The Flash will certainly be one of the prettiest books on the market, but since I've never seen Francis Manipul complete consecutive arcs, I worry about the consistency of the art. Wonder Woman is the series I question the most as overal as most writers can't seem to get her right. That said, I have a fondness for the character ever since Greg Ruckas amazing run so I will wait and see. And then I like Anthology books so DC Universe has me intrigued.
Why did I choose the books that I do not want to read/Why I chose to leave some books in the maybe if good pile:
This is the segment that could go on for ages. Instead look below, I've listed all of the books divided up into not interested and interested. I will write under each book why. If you see no reason listed, it just means I have no interest in the book.
The books I am picking up out right:
Batman: Leviathan
Suicide Squad
Action Comics
Blue Beetle
Swamp Thing
Batman and Robin
Red Lanterns
DC Universe
The Flash
Wonder Woman
Which books will I read if they get good reviews?
Birds of Prey
This is a good team and an okay writer, making this a book to watch but not touch.
Animal Man
The writer is great, the character is great, but the art is only okay. It's more of a wait and see.
Honestly, if this had been a black writer I would be all over this, as it is Judd gives me pause.
Demon Knights
This is one of those great writer/character combinations that could equal win or fail.
Frankenstein, Agent of SHADE:
Justice League Dark
Milligan is a writer who like Judd Winnick sometimes brings awesome to the party and some time doesn't.
It needs to be real good to be interesting.
All Star Western
This sounds like a book I would love but I'm so woried about the book steping in crap instead of jumping the cliff that I need to be cautious with it.
Pro: Gail Simone. Con: See my Batgirl/Oracle article.
Green Latern
Consistently okay, but War of the Green Laterns went on for much too long.
Green Latern:New Guardians
This is going to require the reveal of the team before I'm interested.
Justice League International
I love the concept, I though JL:Generation Lost was amazing. But I have a hard time reading the old JLI books sometimes so this one I am a bit wary of.
Since this is a writer who has only seen the Bat side of DC, his branching out could be impressive or it could be complete fail.
Again, the draw of gail is quite strong.
Justice League
The team is worrysome.
Books I'm not interested in:
Leigon of Superheroes
I have no interest in this Supes reboot, I'm only reading action comics because of Grant.
Hawk And Dove
Rob Liefeld. No. No No NO. I REFUSE. You can't make me. Nooooooooooooooooooooooo.
Static Shock
I, Vampire
I already have my Vertigo American Vampire, why do I need this book?
Sgt Rock and the Men of War
Batman Beyond
Resurrection Man
This has a major problem of seemingly having the same format as DnA's Heroes for Hire run, which is purely stand alone stories that aren't that compelling. Writers need to take note from JMS's Brave and The Bold run.
Red Hood
Teen Titans
Leigon Lost
I love the conecpt, but the further and further from the main events that this concept goes, the less and less scary it becomes.
I have no interest in this Supes reboot, I'm only reading action comics because of Grant.
I have no interest in this Supes reboot, I'm only reading action comics because of Grant.
The solicit makes this book sound like bad porn. Emphasis on the BAD.
Batman The Dark knight
Finch doesn't do anything for me.
Detective Comics
Tony Daniel's stories are only okay to begin with, and when you take away his art they seriously drop in quality.
For me, Dick Greyson is now Batman, and this is a step back.
Green Latern Corps
Captain Atom
Mr. Terrific
Green Arrow
Love GA, hate writer JT Krul, so a complete and total waste of time.
All in all, this is a bit less than the number of DC books I'm reading now, but I will watch as books I enjoy and books I am pulling end up being abysmally bad and end up dropped by issue two. Which is ultimately the pure failure of this plan. DC will stomp the market in September, but come October, they will slam into the ground.
My reservations have shifted, the idea of a partial reboot, fixing all of the problem spots makes sense in theory. But the execution and the explanation are going to have to be damn good or I simply won't care.
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