Saturday, September 11, 2010

Tornadus - An explanation

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Re: Tornadus

Postby titanmatrix on Sat Sep 11, 2010 6:37 pm
Her being limited makes her no more powerful than several other units. Is she part of the T1 of units? Absolutely. Is she the best unit in the game? Not a chance.

So a quick break down:

Speed and defense of the Katana

2 boost dice on types of attack, Short range.

Flight, Red Hoist, fling blast

This means she has about a 15-17 square range(up to 19 with diagonals) against a secondary target.

Now this fact alone, interesting. Why do I, personally, think she isn't BETTER than other units?
Amongst GUARD, I don't consider this fact that to be impressive. It's only impressive if you otherwise don't field a large number of GUARD bases. I don't think I've played a game against GUARD and not had a G1 right up against my power base on turn one, every, single game that I go first. Teleport is really powerful and fiercely underused.

So while that is useful, I don't consider anymore strong than anything else that has Fling.
What is strong is the 2 boost on both attacks(and stats of 2 on both). and red hoist. He is a strong deterrent, in the same way that a well placed chomper and a destroyer with lightning attack is a threat and deters certain positioning. useful, but not overpowered.

I also compare it to Cthulubite as has been done before, C-bites have Weaken and Distract. They are a 1-2 punch of both protecting you from as much dice and making the opposition more vulnerable.

I think it is just easy for players to jump and say Tornadus is the most powerful because she is the most obviously strong. but she doesn't do anything that changes the way I play the game as a whole, seh simply has me react the same way most things with Hoist do.

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