Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The 'Hawk Rush - a monsterpocalypse strategy

Destroyer Strategy...

The 'Hawk Rush

This one is fairly straight forward and relies on your monster having an alternate way to gain power dice. For the purposes of this topic I am going to focus on the currently released monsters(so no BiJ).
The basic idea is to not secure a powerbase and instead focus on using explodohawks to attack the enemy monster.

Vorgax: While I disagree with using this strategy with the morpher, but for that quick jab, you can set up your morphers to help set up a first turn power base.
I am not going to talk about them though because my morpher strategies are completely different.

Xaxor: This is what I am talking about, specifically that he has super stomp. Quick easy way to gain some power dice.

Manatcon: No easy way other than punching buildings to gain P-Dice. Thus, despite being my favorite destroyer, I will not use him in this discussion.

Rogzor: Disintegrate lets him do the same thing as mantacon, but for the same reason I won't talk about them individually, but instead at the end of the article I will talk about that idea.

Mucustos: Just punches buildings.

Zorog: Same.

Gorghadra: Super Rampage. Huzzah! the time of British oppression is over!

To summarize I will be talking about Gorghadra and Xaxor.

The Strategy: the way this plan works is to be using your unit turn to send explodohawks at your opponents monster.
The best plan is that turn one, spawn and move 5 hawks. Then on your second unit turn, respawn any explodohawks that were destroyed, move any towards the monster, and use remaining dice to spawn support units I.E. Crawlers, Destructomite, Chompers, Spy Fly(if you are a Swarm),Razor Beetle.

What you do if you have a 'hawk in range is send that hawk straight at their monster and use six A-die. Use six A-dice. Six. Six Six Six. The number of the beast. Six. Why? Even if you have their defense at 4 you could still be looking at average rolls(.5 + .5 + .5 + .5+ .5 +.5 + .67 + .67 +.67+(,67 if you are play Xaxor)**.
You then use the remaining three A-die anyway you can. You really should use them because with this strategy unless you really have a good idea for dealing that second turn of damage, you should take a monster turn instead of a second unit turn.

The monster portion:
Turn one, gain P-dice via alternative means. Turn 2: deal ranged damage. Turn 3: Deal super damage.

Back up unit plan: this is for those pesky 7 defense monsters. If you can't do consistently average rolls to hit their defense which average is likely to be around 4-5 strikes, I suggest wrecking their power base. Aim for the buildings they build up. Hit their power nodes. and worse case scenario, just sit a unit next to their base on your unit turn before their monster turn.

Monster specifics: This strategy works best with Xaxor because of Charge, low hyper cost for easy flexing and the awesome 5/7, 7/5 health defense switch.

Why I disagree with monsters that can just punch a building with this plan? Because they can at most gain 5 P-Die from it. A good super stomp should net you 6-10 P-die. A good Super rampage, 6-10.
That is why.


You may find it strange that this plan focuses mainly on unit damage, this is because monsters can reliably do damage. They have access to power dice, they have abilities that grant extra damage, ect. ect.. What you really need to do is get those extra bumps so that assuming you are evenly matched with your opponent, you are getting that small extra 1 damage to take a lead.
I say this because most games I have played(sans one or two players) and most games I have seen, players tend to be evenly matched.

Also, a lot of these strategies are fairly basic and apply for many scenarios. You would be surprised how different two areas can be. I traveled 100 miles within the same state and found in one area power base denial was a completely casual strategy, and in the other it was unheard of and won me many a early tournaments.

If you enjoyed this article, have other opinions, or want to yell at me and say this will never work(it does as I will often use this tactic when playing as Xaxor) let me know!.

hopefully next week I will have a different tactica for the masses.

**An A-die has a .5 chance of failure, and a B-die has a .33333333333--- chance of failure.

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