To think that Marvel isn't planning something would be silly.
For every DC action Marvel usually has some kind of reaction. And so far, they've been silent. And moreso, Marvel has far less options than DC since Fear Itself won't end until November.
Just spitballing here, really none of these have any weight but possible Marvel counter Manuvers are:
The dreaded relaunch of all Marvel Books.
The Ressurection of Gwen Stacy
The Clone Saga 2: Clone HARDER
Marvel goes all digital.
Marvel goes same day Print/Digital
Marvel brings in Veteran writers to revamp the Marvel Line.
Marvel announces The Death of the Real Spider-Man
Marvel announces 8 new movies.
Marvel reveals that they are working with the Schuster and Segel estates to acquire Superman for the Marvel universe.
Marvel Announces another end to the ultimate universe(and then a rebirth and subsequent renumbering).
Marvel reveals that no titles will ship in September, but that starting in October every book will ship twice a month.
Marvel reaveals that One More Day never happened.
Or you know, nothing happens. All we know is Marvel is revealing something(who knows how small) on Sunday. And that by the time Solicits are due, Marvel is going to be unveiling something interesting.
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