Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Top 11 DCnU titles I'm excited about

Well after a strong two weeks of announcements, I suppose we are going to see a little bit of a slow down, but as a response I'm going to spend the rest of June talking about the DCnU as the subject seems to have a lot of things to talk about.

As I reveal of my thoughts of the books should be out by the time this posts, I'm going to write you the list of my top 11 new Books I'm excited about.  The quallifier to make this list is that it has to be a title that has not existed within the last two years.  I am going to assume same team and even characters with a new title are still going to be a new book(because otherwise it's just slapping lipstick on a pig and calling it a horse).


In my mind, Aquaman has only had one good solid run.  That was by Peter David.  But the Aquaman segments of Brightest Day were often the highlight of the book, and so I have a lot of hope for the character.  Moreso if Johns lets Mera get her fair share of screen time, you know half, then this book will be worth the read.
10.Suicide Squad

I've been heartbroken about Secret Six for sometime now(almost four weeks of knowing the truth!) but it seems to me that Suicide Squad will be the place for me to go to get my fill.  I know it won't be nearly as wonderful and amazing, but writer Adam Glass has put together a solid team of characters and did write my favorite of the Marvel Noir Books(Luke Cage!).  I have hope and excitement for the book.  The only reservation I have is that they beter have some good character development building off Grant Morrison to feature Harley Quinn in an Arkham Asylum/City style costume.  Just Sayin'.  It's clearly man bait.

9.Frankenstein, agent of SHADE
Jeff Lemire has a way of writing.  He's quite brilliant.  Frankenstein is one of the wonderful additions Grant Morrison brought into the DCU during Seven Soliders.  Putting the two together is like uniting kittens and puppies.
8.Red Lanterns
Ever since Rage of the Red Lanterns story arc during Final Crisis, most green Lantern fans having been clamoring for more Red Lanterns work.  And at last I finally get it!  muwhahahahahahahahaha.  Now through Lefleeze on a book on a permanent basis and Geoff Johns can be done at last.  The one fear, as stated before is that sometimes Peter Milligan just flounders.  Here's hoping he doesn't.

7.Blue Beetle
Jamie Reyes has proven time and again he deserves his own book.  Blue Beetle should clearly be DC's Spider-Man and if they play their cards right this book will be.  Most Blue Beetle fans will tell you this is one of the best books of recent years and so my hopes for this volume are high.

6.Animal Man
Jeff once again appears on this list and is yet again walking in the shoes of Grant Morrison.  While I'm slightly more woried about Jeff getting this one right, I am very excited for a new Animal Man book.

5.Justice League Dark
This is one book I am so excited for.  To say that a magical portion of either major universe was in need of a spotlight is kind of like saying that a kitten will one day become a cat.  It's just a truth, so the existence of this book is quite exciting.  Again, Milligan makes me wary but I at least want to give it a chance.

4.Demon Knights
Paul Cornell is one of the most exciting new writers in the DCU.  So to put him on a book startin Etigan the Demon set in the middle ages tickles my fancy :D

3.All-Star Western
More Western goodness from the team that put together the best western book on the stands for the last couple years.  It's about time.

2.DC universe Presents
I love Anthologies.  I always have, and this book is no different.  The ability to get a character focus piece and then move on, showcasing the very best writers, artists and characters has me so excited that I wish it was already here.

1.Swamp Thing
Of all of the books in the pipeline, only one has me giddy for joy, ready to witness an absolute new era in storytelling.  SwampThing has always been the character that writers go to explore their craft.  And to put my new favorite writer, Scott Snyder, on one of favorite characters has me super excited.  Bring it on.

Some of you might be wondering why I don't have some of these books as automatic pulls  and the reason is because I have some worries about quality so I am in wait and see mode.

A note:  Batwoman would be number one but I am going to consider this series to have existed within the last two years.  Look for my Why The Batwoman:Elegy deserves to be on your shelf  and the companion piece to this list, the top 11 WORST DCnU books(from the cheap seats).

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