In Day three we continue to look at the various titles being launched!
21.Batman: Dark Knight David Finch
David Finch continues his descent into monster hunting with the Dark Knight.
What else do we know: This is a continuation of Finch's previous 3 issues.
What is expected: That within the next year we will have a complete 6 issues consisting of 3 number ones, 2 number twos, 2 number threes and a Normal Sized Finale.
The Official Line: The Dark Knight struggles against a deadly – yet strangely familiar – foe in this phenomenal debut issue from superstar writer/artist David Finch (BRIGHTEST DAY, ACTION COMICS)
As a mysterious figure slinks through the halls of Arkham Asylum, Batman must fight his way through a gauntlet of psychos, and Bruce Wayne faces the unexpected legal ramifications of Batman Incorporated!
22.Catwoman , written by Judd Winick and illustrated by Guillem March.
The question here is which Judd will show up. Will it be crappy Green Arrow Judd, or awesome Generation Lost Judd? I guess we won't know until September.
What else do we know:
Not much, like most titles, the first thing we learned was from their announcement. This one is a left field item where the lead writer has no experience wtih the character.
What is expected:
Catwoman is going to look good, but whether or not it'll be readible is another question. However, based on the solicitation, we will either get a deep, introspective Selina, or we'll get a crappy sexual Selina with no real depth.
The Official Line:
Meet Catwoman. She’s addicted to the night. Addicted to shiny objects. Addicted to Batman. Most of all, Catwoman is addicted to danger. She can’t help herself, and the truth is – she doesn’t want to. She’s good at being bad, and very bad at being good. Find out more about what makes Catwoman tick in this new series from writer Judd Winick (BATMAN: UNDER THE HOOD) and artist Guillem March (GOTHAM CITY SIRENS)!
23.Birds of Prey writer Duane Swierczynski teams up with Jesus Saiz
In a suprise announcement Duane takes over The Birds of Prey!
What else do we know:
That this is a major change up for the writer who is known for crime fiction.
What is expected:
Stuff will happen! But I don't have high hopes for the book as it is neither Gail Simone nor a writer who has proven to be capable of handling female characters.
The Official Line:
One is wanted for a murder she didn’t commit. The other is on the run because she knows too much. They are Dinah Laurel Lance and Ev Crawford – a.k.a. Black Canary and Starling – and together, as Gotham City’s covert ops team, they’re taking down the villains other heroes can’t touch. But now they’ve attracted the attention of a grizzled newspaper reporter who wants to expose them, as well as a creepy, chameleon-like strike team that’s out to kill them.
24.SwampThing by Scott Snyder
A creature who was completely revised by Alan Moore and then subsequently reverted by Geoff Johns is now in his own solo non-vertigo book.
What else do we know:
Nothing, except the official line.
What is expected:
Scott Snyder has proven again and again in the last year that if anyone could revive this character, it would be him. That said, unless Snyder becomes the new hotness in the eyes of the average reader, Swamp Thing will not rise above. The line Brief but Brilliant might be applicable.
The Official Line:
One of the world’s most iconic characters has returned to the heart of the DC Universe, and every step he takes will shake the foundations of the Earth
Alec Holland has his life back…but the Green has plans for it. A monstrous evil is rising in the desert, and it’ll take a monster of another kind to defend life as we know it!
25.Batwoman by JH WILLIAMS*
A oft delayed(Editorially) book that is sure to surprise.
What else do we know:
That a good number of issues are finished and that of all the books announced, this one has the most lead time.
What is expected: That is is going to be the best book on the shelves.
The Official Line:
At last! Batwoman’s new series begins, from the multiple award-winning creative team of J.H. Williams III and Haden Blackman!
In “Hydrology,” part 1 of 5, Batwoman faces deadly new challenges in her war against Gotham City’s underworld – and new trials in her life as Kate Kane.
Who or what is stealing children from the barrio, and for what vile purpose? Will Kate train her cousin, Bette Kane (a.k.a. Flamebird), as her new sidekick? How will she handle unsettling revelations about her father, Colonel Jacob Kane? And why is a certain government
26. Animal Man by Jeff Lemire
From the writer who writes animal people, comes a person who knows animals.
What else do we know:
What is expected: Jeff gets a lot of praise, and rightfully so, but his books are often polarizing
The Official Line:
Buddy Baker has gone from “super” man to family man – but is he strong enough to hold his family together when Maxine, his young daughter, starts to manifest her own dangerous powers? Find out in this dramatic new series from writer Jeff Lemire (SWEET TOOTH) and artist Travel Foreman (The Immortal Iron Fist).
27. Bat-Wing from Judd Winick and Ben Oliver.
Spinning out of the pages of Batman Inc. comes Bat-Wing!
What else do we know:
That a white man is writing a story about the Batman of Africa. Awkward.
What is expected:
Again the question is which Judd will show up to the party.
The Official Line:
Africa, a land of beauty – and of great horror. A land of creation and conflict. It is in desperate need of a defender, and from the ranks of Batman Incorporated comes a soldier to carry on the legacy of The Dark Knight in the most tumultuous region on Earth. Meet Batwing, the Batman of Africa!
28.Superboy #1 by Scott Lobdell, R.B. Silva and Rob Lean
Superboy returns in an all new adventure.
What else do we know:
From the looks of it, this may be one of the more detailed Superboy events in that the character may be completely rebooted.
What is expected:
There to be a boy, and him to do something super.
The Official Line:
They thought he was just an experiment – and a failed one at that! Grown from a combination of Kryptonian and human DNA, the Clone was no more than a set of data to the scientists of Project N.O.W.H.E.R.E. But when the scope of his stunning powers was revealed, he became a deadly weapon! Now the question is: Can a clone develop a conscience?
29. Superman #1 by George Perez and Jesus Merino
This apparently is the(One of two) corner stone(s) of the DCU, aka DC wants everyone to read this book so they can all their money off the character while they can.
What else do we know:
That it stars Superman AND Lois Lane.
What is expected:
Something to happen that explains this reboot since Flashpoint won't.
The Official Line:
The new adventures of Superman begin here! What is The Man of Steel’s startling new status quo? How does it affect Lois Lane and The Daily Planet? There’s no time for answers now, because Superman must stop a monstrous threat to Metropolis – one that he somehow is the cause of!
30. OMAC #1 by Dan Didio, Keith Giffen and Scott Koblish
Dan returns with yet another book that is likely to get canceled.
What else do we know:
This is a continuation of the new OMAC project, not One Man Army Corps.
What is expected:
The book get's canceled in less than 4 months.
The Official Line:
The all-seeing Brother Eye satellite has unleashed a new beast upon the DC Universe in this smashing new series! Kevin Kho has become an unwilling participant in a war between Checkmate and Brother Eye as he is transformed into the One Machine Army Corp known only as O.M.A.C.!
Which Books Do I Intend to Read outright?
Swamp Thing
Which books will I read if they get good reviews?
Birds of Prey
Animal Man
Which books do I have no interest in?
Batman The Dark knight
*Note: When it comes to Batwoman I am absolutely biased. But Do check it out as the first volume of Batwoman material was amazing.
See you in Two days!
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