Sunday, February 6, 2011

Because what would 2011 be without me giving you expectations I can't live up to

Because what would 2011 be without me giving you expectations I can't live up to.
I feel like this is a running joke, like I say I'll eventually cover YYZ and never get around to it. What can I say, I'm human. As I depart from a film or book or movie I'm less invested to care. So instead I vote that we continue the tradition of me mentioning things I want to review but don't get around to.
The Town
Never Let Me Go
Epic Mickey for the Wii
Assassin's Creed(ps3)
Killzone 2(ps3)

Some of this I really will review, some of it I don't have any intent to. I guess that's up to you to decide what's what. The only thing in 2011 I am gurenteeing is that in September or November you will see the 2011 edition of the top 100 film list. And maybe like 50(?) ish percent more hookers this year. I like to keep it classy here.

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