The following is a majority excert(exercising the relation to the other board posters)
The problem is, you chase away the average joes who are kinda okay at this game, can't really afford to spend to much, who then Can't even compete with the average players because you've got what can't get.
A "chase" figure per case works best if you were doing it in case, but only as coupon or something because you could be getting the replacement hyper of the monster you bought the case for.
I think there is no solution to this problem that makes everyone happy. but anyone who thinks that status symbols or any hyper rare figure IMPROVES the community of the game is confused.
If anything is added to this game, it should increase players, not drive players away. From what I can tell, based on 4-5 different group areas across two states and two countries, this game needs to attract more players. Maybe not as much on the creator level(though I'm sure they'd appreciate it) but from the store level, I've seen many stores which other than ordering a case for you, the stores will carry at most a single case of stock.
Just out of curiosity, could people that post in this forum state whether their local store is getting a Quantum or not? I'd just like to be able to get a sampling of the area.( I personally am going to find out if the local store where I just moved is ordering any at all).
I think a lot of this topic is pure conjecture and opinion based, which is all well and good but it all sums up like this
you think either
A) Quantum's are good (see 1-)
B) Quantum's are Bad (see a-)
1) They make the collecting game more fun with the collecting part.
2) they allow certain players to have what other players do not
a) They detract from the available pool of monsters/create monsters that COULD tear through the tournament scene for a select few players
b)they emphasize collecting over play skill
c)they make it harder to complete a collection.
I think neither good nor bad, simply that they need to be more available than they are. Now its seems to me that some collectors disagree with this and it some how devalues the work they have done. Tournament players disagree with this because THEY think it devalues the work they have done. Casual players agree with this because they likely don't have access to these rare figures.
So I offer up the counter point that this game needs to be more clearly defined. Is it a collectible or is a miniatures game. Because those on the collectors side are going to think one way, and those on the miniatures side will think another way. I rest of the mini side. I think this is a game first and a collecting opportunity second.
Is there a solution that would make both sides happy?
Would Alternate paint schemes(or even alternate sculpts) of the megas and quantum's(that are somehow easier to obtain, like this coupon idea, do this?
Based on what I have surmised it seems like it would. It would put more of the Megas/quantum's on the market and therefore allow more players to use them. It would be something new and unique, which would give cause for the collectors to obtain them(and if your argument is that as a collector you don't want to try an obtain others, do you support quantums?), and it could give you something new and pretty to be able to play with if you already have the mega/quantum(which in some situations is an improvement, because some of those megas paint schemes just do not work).
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