So, PAX(Penny Arcade Expo) was a lot of fun. If you were going, "Man, I wonder if I should have gone?", you should have gone. PAX is best when you have friends there, but you can easily make friends. That said, if you are one of those loner gamer types, PAX is not for you. Way too much of this convention is great with other people. The only part I would say is bad for groups is the expo hall. In the expo hall you should rummage by yourself unless your Loot hunting. But if you are going to run around and play some demos, do it by yourself and just get into talking with people in line because part of your experience is going to be have fun trying out games. I'll now going into a few of the demos I've played at pax.
No more Heroes 2: It seems like it's exactly the same as No More Heroes, so its up to your opinion of No more Heroes. I loved it, I'm excited for this game and think it will be fun.
Scriblenauts. MY GODDESS. This game is amazing. It has me ready to go out and buy a DS(money available assuming). Take that as you will.
Metroid Prime Trilogy: Do you own the originals? Have you played the originals? Yes? Then skip this. It's a video game double dip.
Lego Rock Band: Kinda awesome. The game is a easier version of the game(it's going to be RB's answer to Band Hero) so the song are also slightly more mainstream. But you have The Final Countdown and Kung Fu fighting. This is going to be the game you really want at a party. even if the graphics are silly.
Wow Expansion:Cataclysm. solves one of my issues with Wow, but it still is horrible. Skip it.
OLD REPUBLIC: later in this post I'll cover this.
Assassin's Creed II: Looks just like AC1, which got borring before we finished it, so unless they introduce something amazing that hasn't been revealed yet, I'm going to skip it.
H3:ODST: It's Halo. So it's not bad. Could be better, but at least you aren't fucking master chief this time, so have fun.
Fairytale Fights: I didn't have time to demo this, but it looks entertaining so it might be worth your time.
TMNT: Smash-Up/arcade attack: These two TMNT games are TMNT games and they are worth it at 10 bucks but if they are charging any more its worth your time.
WET: This game looks like a mix between Wanted and Lara Croft. Which isn't that bad, but I've seen it before but its not horrible.
Rouge Warrior: This was kind of interesting but this wasn't that great.
Doom 2 on XBL: Its doom fucking 2. It's fun. it's old school. Hard to go wrong with a classic.
Left 4 dead 2: Did you like Left 4 dead? they didn't fix too much up, it's basically the same game. A friend who is the hardcore beat everyone at the original loved it, so take that as you will.
GOW3: hey look, a reason to own a ps3. what? You don't own a ps3? Shame on you. But it's awesome.
Uncharted 2: I didn't play enough of it to make a call on this, but it feels like the first part of uncharated(the human stuff) and its pretty fun.
Marvel ultimate allience 2: Same as the first. Interesting story. It'll be fun.
I was going to give my blow by blow experience of the Old republic footage, but because seeing is believing, here it is:;title;3
If your big on the Miniatures scene, Monsterpocalypse was represented by Privateer Press. The new set set to come out in October we're previewed and yeah, the new monsters look sexy.
So there it is, I had fun at PAX mostly just hanging out with people and gaming. I know, sounds like an expensive weekend of gaming, but with the previews and things going on, it is well enjoyable.
Also, the keynote wasn't that great. He was no Ron Levine or Wil Wheton. But the Penny ARcade Q and A was fantastic.
Oh one last thing, at least one ass hole went to pax with swine flu and infected at least me and 5 of my friends and beyond that there were over 100 reported cases. So fuck you guy who went to pax with the flu. For those interested me and my friends have recovered and have returned to the real world.
Alright, Have a great weekend,
that's my motto, or it would be if I started having a motto.
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