Monday, September 21, 2009

The Quantum Problem Part 2

Just quick point, MTG has been around 16 years(17 depending on the persons facts). Legend of the Five rings, a slightly smaller, lesser known, card game has been around just as long(by a few months) and has survived this long without chase cards. Yes there are rares and uncommons that are harder to get than others, and durring kotei season prices jump astronomicly, but there hasn't ever been a chase rarity. and In fact you will typically get at least one copy of a chase rare in a box. Now granted they are non unique, but you can also get more than one depending on case distribution.

Also GW has never been collectable. I can walk into a gw store(and shoot myself in the foot to distract me from being in a GW store) or walk into into normal game store that carries GW and typcally buy the figures I need. And if they don't have the figures I need in, I can usually order them.

I think the next two longest are the yugioh card game and the Pokemon card game.

I think that every player is on some level a collector, as was pointed out. If you aren't a completist then you are a factionist. and while you may not feel the need to complete your faction, you do feel compelled to aquire the models that will improve your army, or offer you the option to build a different army. And this fact is GREAT. it lets me tempt non players into the game with the prospect of being able to aquire most everything they need for a given faction for somewhere in the range of 30-40 dollars(especially Now. THANKS TeamCovenant) And as such I can increase player base. Hell, I initially got into this game a few months ago using some extra money I had and managed to pick up 15 units, 2 monsters for 40 dollars. That is the single cheapest mini's game I've ever bought into.

Monpoc does offer a reason to collect an entire set, it calls itself a collectable Miniatures game. That makes it inherent to inspire some people into getting all of them. Sure cross faction isn't a part of the game, but PP does try hard to get you to be interested in more than one faction. I offer the agenda wheel as a point for this. I was playing Planet Eaters. But Now has caused me to be playing the Destroyers Agenda. That was very tricksy of you PP. Very tricksy indeed.

I just want to say the guy who said, and I'm paraphrasing, that your store isn't good enough if it isn't getting QKK, you sir are wrong. America is in a recession(the actual numbers regarding this are up to debate else where, but at the very least everyone is in that mindset) and because of this game stores don't just buy overstock hoping to get rid of it. They buy what is necessary in order to hopefully keep interest but not more than they need.

PP's incentive works two fold, one is to reward those who would have already bought 6 of the Mega kits, but the other is to inspire those to buy 6 mega kits to get the added bonus to draw more players in. The problem is then that the players don't have the money to support buying that much. some do, but I get the impression the average player can not, and this goes to whoever pointed out that this game caters to the factions. I think the average player, at the very least, would like to be able to complete their faction, and therefore is likely to try and complete said collection over their course of the game. So since the players can't afford it, the stores can't justify buying the cases, and now the store doesn't have the QKK. This isn't a fault of either the consumer or their store. And I think PP would like it to be available to everyone, despite what you think sir. The idea is to inspire more stores to buy more cases so that they can distribute more of the figure.

On a personal note, In most situations I've noticed that the Mega is Distinctly better than it's ultra or at the very least completely on par with its ultra.

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