So this is going to be a list of the top 100 films in my opinion. Periodically I'll update it because other than slots 1-10, which I put an incredible amount of time and effort into devising, it is roles of 11-100 which I have more trouble with. So I'm going to start at the bottom of the list and work my way up for the next ten days, giving an idea of the films that I have enjoyed and found to be successful.
Number 90 Halloween(1978)
This is one of the all time best horror films. Carpenter did things in this film that were so original and out there, but so effective for how cheap the movie was that he created magic. This is the kind of Magic that only low budget movies can create. it is this great master piece that would set the stage for slasher films to come. And for note, it manages to be a slasher film while seriously toning down the graphic violence and sex. Its mostly implied. And along with the score it creates far more tension that these horrible slasher films of today.
Number 89 First Blood(1982)
Most of you might not know what this film is, it is that first, visceral film in the Rambo series. While not nearly as strong as Sly's other franchise, Rocky, this movie manages tackle themes and thoughts that would otherwise be ignored outside of panned films such as StopLoss. On top of that its a good movie wouldn't you know it?
Number88 Pirates of the Caribbean(2003)
Johnny Depps break out, international sucsess is what sells this movie. Yeah sure Keira's not bad and a number of the supporting chracters do a good job selling the world. This is the movie before they wanted to take the franchise into Fantasy land and instead it follows a pretty simple ghost pirate story that would even baffle scooby doo.
Number 87 Dead Poet's Society(1989)
This is one of those inspirational coming of age movies that actually manages to click with it's audience. and while it isn't nearly as high art as it would like to pretend it is, the film does a good job keeping you entertained and wanting to come back to revisit these wonderful characters.
Number 86 Spider-Man 2(2004)
Until Spider-man 2, many comic fans looked at the genre of comic book movies as nothing more than cheap knock offs of the stories they loved and treasured that couldn't stand up and tell their own story. But then Spider-man peeled its way in with its sympathetic villains, its horror inspired scenes, and its epic promise of Love, Action, and Shocking twists. Plus the movie is a great deal of fun.
Number 85 Alien(1979)
This is what I like to refer to as the birth of the modern creature feature. It is a dirty, violent, gore filled opera of space that represents that other part of the horror scale that Halloween didn't give you. But it also started a movement that would be continued and preserved for years to come, the strong female badass, and for that I salute you Alien.
Number 84 The Rocky Horror Picture Show(live)
I know I know, the movie it self is pretty horrible. And they really need to get a dvd out there with fan commentaries that can at least try and emulate the experience of watching the show live. If you have a chance, this is a great comedy to see but don't see it unless you have a group of people about 60 percent rewatchers, and 40 percent newbies.
Number 83 There will be blood(2007)
Oh, what a great, long, drawn out character study of what should have been a despicable character and yet he is compelling to constantly want to know where his character is going. Day-Lewis is brilliant in the role and that earns it a place in my heart.
Number 82 The Graduate(1967)
It isn't too often that I feel a comedy manages to age well. Far too often I feel like I'm being pushed and pulled but never really have that chance to laugh. And if I do laugh it's because the story feels dated. The true kind of comedy classic should be timeless. At the same time, this is a movie out to say something. Because it is also a drama. You feel uncomfortable about the relations that occur in the story and you get invested in the characters, and while sure its a great story point to end on, you want to see more because not much gets tied up. The film is fairly bleak and it is this bleak comedy styling that we are missing now a days and can maybe one day re approach.
Number 81 Nightmare Alley(19XX)
I couldn't find the right year for this film. And yeah its a sad exscuse for an adaptation, but the story it commits to is a great one and on its own it manages to stand up and prove itself to be one of those classic noir pieces that deserves to be remembered.
keep in mind this is a list of Opinion, and merely a suggestion list. If you need a film to see, look to my list. You are likely to find something great that could very likely change your world.
A review blog that covers various new media, Television, Movies, Comics, Novels, and Other stories based on my own personal Geek Sense.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The top 100 films(Fall 2009 edition) - Part 1
So this is going to be a list of the top 100 films in my opinion. Periodically I'll update it because other than slots 1-10, which I put an incredible amount of time and effort into devising, it is roles of 11-100 which I have more trouble with. So I'm going to start at the bottom of the list and work my way up for the next ten days, giving an idea of the films that I have enjoyed and found to be successful.
Number 101: District 9
I'm including this because anyone who read my review of District 9 knows that I was head overheels for this film when I initially watched it, and while yes, I love it just as much, it finally settle as being just under Up and Drag Me to Hell, which are both instant classics of a lifetime.
Number 100: The Crow(1994)
Now I initially saw this film because a friend had mentioned it to me way back int he 1995's and told me about the story behind the film. But up until maybe a year ago, I hadn't had a chance to watch it. It's not because I didn't want to watch it, I simply didn't have access to the film. But now that I've seen it, and read the graphic novel it is based on, I find myself really enjoying it. I consider it in the same Gothic Genre as many of Tim Burton's works and in generally you are going to find that yeah there are a few logic points to be made, and some of it does need some polishing. but the fact that it's lead died 90 percent through the films filming and they were still able to piece together a cohesive film is quite the feat. There is a certain bit of eeriness to the film that might not exist without Brandon Lee's death or the haunting knowledge of how similar it was to his father's death. I honestly consider it a more Tragic accident than Heath Ledger's death for this haunting parallels of the world. No the story does not fit into the real world mechanics of our lives, but it doesn't need to, as many films on this list will prove.
99. Wanted(2008)
I went into this film not having even heard of the graphic novel, having only seen a teaser which boasted a cast(Morgan Freeman, James Macavoy, and Angilina Jolie) that had me impressed enough to go see this opening day. This movie is like a looney toons action movie. It is brutal, graphic, over the top, and has every bit of fun that Kung Fu hustle has(a film that I consider similar, but ultimately I found this story more enriching for my taste). Now, unlike everyone else that I know, I didn't find the story predictable. I found it a bit on the exaggerated side. And ultimately that gave it an Edge that I wasn't familiar with. This, like many other films on this list, isn't flawless(the loom of fate comes to mind) but this is my list damn it, and I enjoy these films. Also its action exceeds that of any of our recent resurrection sequels(I.E. Live Free or Die Hard, Indy 4, SW prequel trilogy).
Number 98. Pulp Fiction(1994)
This is one of those films that I shouldn't need to justify why it is on this list. Great Cast, great direction, great story. I'll take one Tarentino Masterpiece and a Royale with cheese to go.
Number 97. To Kill a Mocking Bird
Now many many hardcore fans of the novel will look down upon this movie, but it is Gregory Pecks performance that really grinds this movie into a place of great power. Plus I love the portrayal of Boo Radley. He acts, sounds, and is exactly as he would in this world. The only complaint I have is that the film feels more like a documentary of these events rather than this tragic story told through the eyes of a child.
Number 96. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban(2004)
Of all the films, I felt this was the best adaptation and Film. It tackles some pretty heavy themes and ideologies but isn't heavy handed about them, instead it is able to offer them to you in a manner that keeps both kids and adults entertained. Plus the film feels so much more grim than the other films as well as introducing the best thing that ever happened to Harry Potter, Gary Oldman's Sirius Black.
Number 95. Howl's Moving Castle(2004)
This was one of those magical mystery tours that Mister Miyazaki takes you on that reminds you just why we need 2D animation in the world. The film earns additional props because of it's use of good American voice casting that actually convey what the original Japaneses were able to attempt. It's quite impressive and works very efficiently for the audience. Some might consider it one of Miyazaki's weakest, but I feel more heart in this film than I do in alot of his films.
Number 94. Gold Finger(Bond) (1964)
One of the earliest Bond films, and often considered the highlight of the series. It boasts amazing performances from its stars, and set the bar for villian tropes for years to come.
number 93. Wizard of Oz(1939)
A classic visual feast that takes some great cast members and delivers a classic Campbell's Hero story that resonates with kids today as well as over 70 years ago.
Number 92. Schindler's list
Another story that will resonate with adults and kids who can pay attention. This story is haunting, and a dream like quality to it helps delude you from constantly remembering that this was a horrific time in our HISTORY and to persuade you that this is just a story. But it was constructed from true events and forms an epically tragic tale that would cement Liam Neisen as one our great actors this generation.
Number 91. Pitch Black
I know what your thinking. What the fuck is Pitch black doing ahead of Schindler's list. And it all comes down to this. I can watch Pitch Black Annually and not want to just hate the world. Instead you are offered a Anti-Hero, who is a villain forced to play nice and fight against a greater threat. The first 30-40 minutes of this movie is the Crew vs Riddick. Its not until the lights go down that Riddick is forced to change sides. This isn't a hero/Villain like Long John Silver, Riddick is a true Foe and he proves it every step of the way. and that is just how I like my horror heroes.
So there you have it, 100-91.
Tommarow you get 90-81.
Peace out yo
Number 101: District 9
I'm including this because anyone who read my review of District 9 knows that I was head overheels for this film when I initially watched it, and while yes, I love it just as much, it finally settle as being just under Up and Drag Me to Hell, which are both instant classics of a lifetime.
Number 100: The Crow(1994)
Now I initially saw this film because a friend had mentioned it to me way back int he 1995's and told me about the story behind the film. But up until maybe a year ago, I hadn't had a chance to watch it. It's not because I didn't want to watch it, I simply didn't have access to the film. But now that I've seen it, and read the graphic novel it is based on, I find myself really enjoying it. I consider it in the same Gothic Genre as many of Tim Burton's works and in generally you are going to find that yeah there are a few logic points to be made, and some of it does need some polishing. but the fact that it's lead died 90 percent through the films filming and they were still able to piece together a cohesive film is quite the feat. There is a certain bit of eeriness to the film that might not exist without Brandon Lee's death or the haunting knowledge of how similar it was to his father's death. I honestly consider it a more Tragic accident than Heath Ledger's death for this haunting parallels of the world. No the story does not fit into the real world mechanics of our lives, but it doesn't need to, as many films on this list will prove.
99. Wanted(2008)
I went into this film not having even heard of the graphic novel, having only seen a teaser which boasted a cast(Morgan Freeman, James Macavoy, and Angilina Jolie) that had me impressed enough to go see this opening day. This movie is like a looney toons action movie. It is brutal, graphic, over the top, and has every bit of fun that Kung Fu hustle has(a film that I consider similar, but ultimately I found this story more enriching for my taste). Now, unlike everyone else that I know, I didn't find the story predictable. I found it a bit on the exaggerated side. And ultimately that gave it an Edge that I wasn't familiar with. This, like many other films on this list, isn't flawless(the loom of fate comes to mind) but this is my list damn it, and I enjoy these films. Also its action exceeds that of any of our recent resurrection sequels(I.E. Live Free or Die Hard, Indy 4, SW prequel trilogy).
Number 98. Pulp Fiction(1994)
This is one of those films that I shouldn't need to justify why it is on this list. Great Cast, great direction, great story. I'll take one Tarentino Masterpiece and a Royale with cheese to go.
Number 97. To Kill a Mocking Bird
Now many many hardcore fans of the novel will look down upon this movie, but it is Gregory Pecks performance that really grinds this movie into a place of great power. Plus I love the portrayal of Boo Radley. He acts, sounds, and is exactly as he would in this world. The only complaint I have is that the film feels more like a documentary of these events rather than this tragic story told through the eyes of a child.
Number 96. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban(2004)
Of all the films, I felt this was the best adaptation and Film. It tackles some pretty heavy themes and ideologies but isn't heavy handed about them, instead it is able to offer them to you in a manner that keeps both kids and adults entertained. Plus the film feels so much more grim than the other films as well as introducing the best thing that ever happened to Harry Potter, Gary Oldman's Sirius Black.
Number 95. Howl's Moving Castle(2004)
This was one of those magical mystery tours that Mister Miyazaki takes you on that reminds you just why we need 2D animation in the world. The film earns additional props because of it's use of good American voice casting that actually convey what the original Japaneses were able to attempt. It's quite impressive and works very efficiently for the audience. Some might consider it one of Miyazaki's weakest, but I feel more heart in this film than I do in alot of his films.
Number 94. Gold Finger(Bond) (1964)
One of the earliest Bond films, and often considered the highlight of the series. It boasts amazing performances from its stars, and set the bar for villian tropes for years to come.
number 93. Wizard of Oz(1939)
A classic visual feast that takes some great cast members and delivers a classic Campbell's Hero story that resonates with kids today as well as over 70 years ago.
Number 92. Schindler's list
Another story that will resonate with adults and kids who can pay attention. This story is haunting, and a dream like quality to it helps delude you from constantly remembering that this was a horrific time in our HISTORY and to persuade you that this is just a story. But it was constructed from true events and forms an epically tragic tale that would cement Liam Neisen as one our great actors this generation.
Number 91. Pitch Black
I know what your thinking. What the fuck is Pitch black doing ahead of Schindler's list. And it all comes down to this. I can watch Pitch Black Annually and not want to just hate the world. Instead you are offered a Anti-Hero, who is a villain forced to play nice and fight against a greater threat. The first 30-40 minutes of this movie is the Crew vs Riddick. Its not until the lights go down that Riddick is forced to change sides. This isn't a hero/Villain like Long John Silver, Riddick is a true Foe and he proves it every step of the way. and that is just how I like my horror heroes.
So there you have it, 100-91.
Tommarow you get 90-81.
Peace out yo
Monday, September 21, 2009
The Quantum Problem Part 2
Just quick point, MTG has been around 16 years(17 depending on the persons facts). Legend of the Five rings, a slightly smaller, lesser known, card game has been around just as long(by a few months) and has survived this long without chase cards. Yes there are rares and uncommons that are harder to get than others, and durring kotei season prices jump astronomicly, but there hasn't ever been a chase rarity. and In fact you will typically get at least one copy of a chase rare in a box. Now granted they are non unique, but you can also get more than one depending on case distribution.
Also GW has never been collectable. I can walk into a gw store(and shoot myself in the foot to distract me from being in a GW store) or walk into into normal game store that carries GW and typcally buy the figures I need. And if they don't have the figures I need in, I can usually order them.
I think the next two longest are the yugioh card game and the Pokemon card game.
I think that every player is on some level a collector, as was pointed out. If you aren't a completist then you are a factionist. and while you may not feel the need to complete your faction, you do feel compelled to aquire the models that will improve your army, or offer you the option to build a different army. And this fact is GREAT. it lets me tempt non players into the game with the prospect of being able to aquire most everything they need for a given faction for somewhere in the range of 30-40 dollars(especially Now. THANKS TeamCovenant) And as such I can increase player base. Hell, I initially got into this game a few months ago using some extra money I had and managed to pick up 15 units, 2 monsters for 40 dollars. That is the single cheapest mini's game I've ever bought into.
Monpoc does offer a reason to collect an entire set, it calls itself a collectable Miniatures game. That makes it inherent to inspire some people into getting all of them. Sure cross faction isn't a part of the game, but PP does try hard to get you to be interested in more than one faction. I offer the agenda wheel as a point for this. I was playing Planet Eaters. But Now has caused me to be playing the Destroyers Agenda. That was very tricksy of you PP. Very tricksy indeed.
I just want to say the guy who said, and I'm paraphrasing, that your store isn't good enough if it isn't getting QKK, you sir are wrong. America is in a recession(the actual numbers regarding this are up to debate else where, but at the very least everyone is in that mindset) and because of this game stores don't just buy overstock hoping to get rid of it. They buy what is necessary in order to hopefully keep interest but not more than they need.
PP's incentive works two fold, one is to reward those who would have already bought 6 of the Mega kits, but the other is to inspire those to buy 6 mega kits to get the added bonus to draw more players in. The problem is then that the players don't have the money to support buying that much. some do, but I get the impression the average player can not, and this goes to whoever pointed out that this game caters to the factions. I think the average player, at the very least, would like to be able to complete their faction, and therefore is likely to try and complete said collection over their course of the game. So since the players can't afford it, the stores can't justify buying the cases, and now the store doesn't have the QKK. This isn't a fault of either the consumer or their store. And I think PP would like it to be available to everyone, despite what you think sir. The idea is to inspire more stores to buy more cases so that they can distribute more of the figure.
On a personal note, In most situations I've noticed that the Mega is Distinctly better than it's ultra or at the very least completely on par with its ultra.
Also GW has never been collectable. I can walk into a gw store(and shoot myself in the foot to distract me from being in a GW store) or walk into into normal game store that carries GW and typcally buy the figures I need. And if they don't have the figures I need in, I can usually order them.
I think the next two longest are the yugioh card game and the Pokemon card game.
I think that every player is on some level a collector, as was pointed out. If you aren't a completist then you are a factionist. and while you may not feel the need to complete your faction, you do feel compelled to aquire the models that will improve your army, or offer you the option to build a different army. And this fact is GREAT. it lets me tempt non players into the game with the prospect of being able to aquire most everything they need for a given faction for somewhere in the range of 30-40 dollars(especially Now. THANKS TeamCovenant) And as such I can increase player base. Hell, I initially got into this game a few months ago using some extra money I had and managed to pick up 15 units, 2 monsters for 40 dollars. That is the single cheapest mini's game I've ever bought into.
Monpoc does offer a reason to collect an entire set, it calls itself a collectable Miniatures game. That makes it inherent to inspire some people into getting all of them. Sure cross faction isn't a part of the game, but PP does try hard to get you to be interested in more than one faction. I offer the agenda wheel as a point for this. I was playing Planet Eaters. But Now has caused me to be playing the Destroyers Agenda. That was very tricksy of you PP. Very tricksy indeed.
I just want to say the guy who said, and I'm paraphrasing, that your store isn't good enough if it isn't getting QKK, you sir are wrong. America is in a recession(the actual numbers regarding this are up to debate else where, but at the very least everyone is in that mindset) and because of this game stores don't just buy overstock hoping to get rid of it. They buy what is necessary in order to hopefully keep interest but not more than they need.
PP's incentive works two fold, one is to reward those who would have already bought 6 of the Mega kits, but the other is to inspire those to buy 6 mega kits to get the added bonus to draw more players in. The problem is then that the players don't have the money to support buying that much. some do, but I get the impression the average player can not, and this goes to whoever pointed out that this game caters to the factions. I think the average player, at the very least, would like to be able to complete their faction, and therefore is likely to try and complete said collection over their course of the game. So since the players can't afford it, the stores can't justify buying the cases, and now the store doesn't have the QKK. This isn't a fault of either the consumer or their store. And I think PP would like it to be available to everyone, despite what you think sir. The idea is to inspire more stores to buy more cases so that they can distribute more of the figure.
On a personal note, In most situations I've noticed that the Mega is Distinctly better than it's ultra or at the very least completely on par with its ultra.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
This is an abridged review like the one for the Marvel Civil War Hardcover.
I just finished watching Outfoxed after a suggestion in a news article on Ain't it cool that talked about the Fox news networks blatant lie about the other news organizations.
The movie is effectively that news story for 80 minutes. Its on the low budget end of the me Political documentary that reveals an angle of a movie. all of the facts in the movie are true, and they do show footage to prove their point. It is interesting to see this topic being handled. But a few words of caution. It is working a Democrat/Liberal position. If this doesn't bother you, awesome. If it does, you still should know the information because it does give a good message which is skewed journalism needs to be stopped.
I just finished watching Outfoxed after a suggestion in a news article on Ain't it cool that talked about the Fox news networks blatant lie about the other news organizations.
The movie is effectively that news story for 80 minutes. Its on the low budget end of the me Political documentary that reveals an angle of a movie. all of the facts in the movie are true, and they do show footage to prove their point. It is interesting to see this topic being handled. But a few words of caution. It is working a Democrat/Liberal position. If this doesn't bother you, awesome. If it does, you still should know the information because it does give a good message which is skewed journalism needs to be stopped.
The Quantum Problem
The following is a majority excert(exercising the relation to the other board posters)
The problem is, you chase away the average joes who are kinda okay at this game, can't really afford to spend to much, who then Can't even compete with the average players because you've got what can't get.
A "chase" figure per case works best if you were doing it in case, but only as coupon or something because you could be getting the replacement hyper of the monster you bought the case for.
I think there is no solution to this problem that makes everyone happy. but anyone who thinks that status symbols or any hyper rare figure IMPROVES the community of the game is confused.
If anything is added to this game, it should increase players, not drive players away. From what I can tell, based on 4-5 different group areas across two states and two countries, this game needs to attract more players. Maybe not as much on the creator level(though I'm sure they'd appreciate it) but from the store level, I've seen many stores which other than ordering a case for you, the stores will carry at most a single case of stock.
Just out of curiosity, could people that post in this forum state whether their local store is getting a Quantum or not? I'd just like to be able to get a sampling of the area.( I personally am going to find out if the local store where I just moved is ordering any at all).
I think a lot of this topic is pure conjecture and opinion based, which is all well and good but it all sums up like this
you think either
A) Quantum's are good (see 1-)
B) Quantum's are Bad (see a-)
1) They make the collecting game more fun with the collecting part.
2) they allow certain players to have what other players do not
a) They detract from the available pool of monsters/create monsters that COULD tear through the tournament scene for a select few players
b)they emphasize collecting over play skill
c)they make it harder to complete a collection.
I think neither good nor bad, simply that they need to be more available than they are. Now its seems to me that some collectors disagree with this and it some how devalues the work they have done. Tournament players disagree with this because THEY think it devalues the work they have done. Casual players agree with this because they likely don't have access to these rare figures.
So I offer up the counter point that this game needs to be more clearly defined. Is it a collectible or is a miniatures game. Because those on the collectors side are going to think one way, and those on the miniatures side will think another way. I rest of the mini side. I think this is a game first and a collecting opportunity second.
Is there a solution that would make both sides happy?
Would Alternate paint schemes(or even alternate sculpts) of the megas and quantum's(that are somehow easier to obtain, like this coupon idea, do this?
Based on what I have surmised it seems like it would. It would put more of the Megas/quantum's on the market and therefore allow more players to use them. It would be something new and unique, which would give cause for the collectors to obtain them(and if your argument is that as a collector you don't want to try an obtain others, do you support quantums?), and it could give you something new and pretty to be able to play with if you already have the mega/quantum(which in some situations is an improvement, because some of those megas paint schemes just do not work).
The problem is, you chase away the average joes who are kinda okay at this game, can't really afford to spend to much, who then Can't even compete with the average players because you've got what can't get.
A "chase" figure per case works best if you were doing it in case, but only as coupon or something because you could be getting the replacement hyper of the monster you bought the case for.
I think there is no solution to this problem that makes everyone happy. but anyone who thinks that status symbols or any hyper rare figure IMPROVES the community of the game is confused.
If anything is added to this game, it should increase players, not drive players away. From what I can tell, based on 4-5 different group areas across two states and two countries, this game needs to attract more players. Maybe not as much on the creator level(though I'm sure they'd appreciate it) but from the store level, I've seen many stores which other than ordering a case for you, the stores will carry at most a single case of stock.
Just out of curiosity, could people that post in this forum state whether their local store is getting a Quantum or not? I'd just like to be able to get a sampling of the area.( I personally am going to find out if the local store where I just moved is ordering any at all).
I think a lot of this topic is pure conjecture and opinion based, which is all well and good but it all sums up like this
you think either
A) Quantum's are good (see 1-)
B) Quantum's are Bad (see a-)
1) They make the collecting game more fun with the collecting part.
2) they allow certain players to have what other players do not
a) They detract from the available pool of monsters/create monsters that COULD tear through the tournament scene for a select few players
b)they emphasize collecting over play skill
c)they make it harder to complete a collection.
I think neither good nor bad, simply that they need to be more available than they are. Now its seems to me that some collectors disagree with this and it some how devalues the work they have done. Tournament players disagree with this because THEY think it devalues the work they have done. Casual players agree with this because they likely don't have access to these rare figures.
So I offer up the counter point that this game needs to be more clearly defined. Is it a collectible or is a miniatures game. Because those on the collectors side are going to think one way, and those on the miniatures side will think another way. I rest of the mini side. I think this is a game first and a collecting opportunity second.
Is there a solution that would make both sides happy?
Would Alternate paint schemes(or even alternate sculpts) of the megas and quantum's(that are somehow easier to obtain, like this coupon idea, do this?
Based on what I have surmised it seems like it would. It would put more of the Megas/quantum's on the market and therefore allow more players to use them. It would be something new and unique, which would give cause for the collectors to obtain them(and if your argument is that as a collector you don't want to try an obtain others, do you support quantums?), and it could give you something new and pretty to be able to play with if you already have the mega/quantum(which in some situations is an improvement, because some of those megas paint schemes just do not work).
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
So, PAX(Penny Arcade Expo) was a lot of fun. If you were going, "Man, I wonder if I should have gone?", you should have gone. PAX is best when you have friends there, but you can easily make friends. That said, if you are one of those loner gamer types, PAX is not for you. Way too much of this convention is great with other people. The only part I would say is bad for groups is the expo hall. In the expo hall you should rummage by yourself unless your Loot hunting. But if you are going to run around and play some demos, do it by yourself and just get into talking with people in line because part of your experience is going to be have fun trying out games. I'll now going into a few of the demos I've played at pax.
No more Heroes 2: It seems like it's exactly the same as No More Heroes, so its up to your opinion of No more Heroes. I loved it, I'm excited for this game and think it will be fun.
Scriblenauts. MY GODDESS. This game is amazing. It has me ready to go out and buy a DS(money available assuming). Take that as you will.
Metroid Prime Trilogy: Do you own the originals? Have you played the originals? Yes? Then skip this. It's a video game double dip.
Lego Rock Band: Kinda awesome. The game is a easier version of the game(it's going to be RB's answer to Band Hero) so the song are also slightly more mainstream. But you have The Final Countdown and Kung Fu fighting. This is going to be the game you really want at a party. even if the graphics are silly.
Wow Expansion:Cataclysm. solves one of my issues with Wow, but it still is horrible. Skip it.
OLD REPUBLIC: later in this post I'll cover this.
Assassin's Creed II: Looks just like AC1, which got borring before we finished it, so unless they introduce something amazing that hasn't been revealed yet, I'm going to skip it.
H3:ODST: It's Halo. So it's not bad. Could be better, but at least you aren't fucking master chief this time, so have fun.
Fairytale Fights: I didn't have time to demo this, but it looks entertaining so it might be worth your time.
TMNT: Smash-Up/arcade attack: These two TMNT games are TMNT games and they are worth it at 10 bucks but if they are charging any more its worth your time.
WET: This game looks like a mix between Wanted and Lara Croft. Which isn't that bad, but I've seen it before but its not horrible.
Rouge Warrior: This was kind of interesting but this wasn't that great.
Doom 2 on XBL: Its doom fucking 2. It's fun. it's old school. Hard to go wrong with a classic.
Left 4 dead 2: Did you like Left 4 dead? they didn't fix too much up, it's basically the same game. A friend who is the hardcore beat everyone at the original loved it, so take that as you will.
GOW3: hey look, a reason to own a ps3. what? You don't own a ps3? Shame on you. But it's awesome.
Uncharted 2: I didn't play enough of it to make a call on this, but it feels like the first part of uncharated(the human stuff) and its pretty fun.
Marvel ultimate allience 2: Same as the first. Interesting story. It'll be fun.
I was going to give my blow by blow experience of the Old republic footage, but because seeing is believing, here it is:;title;3
If your big on the Miniatures scene, Monsterpocalypse was represented by Privateer Press. The new set set to come out in October we're previewed and yeah, the new monsters look sexy.
So there it is, I had fun at PAX mostly just hanging out with people and gaming. I know, sounds like an expensive weekend of gaming, but with the previews and things going on, it is well enjoyable.
Also, the keynote wasn't that great. He was no Ron Levine or Wil Wheton. But the Penny ARcade Q and A was fantastic.
Oh one last thing, at least one ass hole went to pax with swine flu and infected at least me and 5 of my friends and beyond that there were over 100 reported cases. So fuck you guy who went to pax with the flu. For those interested me and my friends have recovered and have returned to the real world.
Alright, Have a great weekend,
that's my motto, or it would be if I started having a motto.
No more Heroes 2: It seems like it's exactly the same as No More Heroes, so its up to your opinion of No more Heroes. I loved it, I'm excited for this game and think it will be fun.
Scriblenauts. MY GODDESS. This game is amazing. It has me ready to go out and buy a DS(money available assuming). Take that as you will.
Metroid Prime Trilogy: Do you own the originals? Have you played the originals? Yes? Then skip this. It's a video game double dip.
Lego Rock Band: Kinda awesome. The game is a easier version of the game(it's going to be RB's answer to Band Hero) so the song are also slightly more mainstream. But you have The Final Countdown and Kung Fu fighting. This is going to be the game you really want at a party. even if the graphics are silly.
Wow Expansion:Cataclysm. solves one of my issues with Wow, but it still is horrible. Skip it.
OLD REPUBLIC: later in this post I'll cover this.
Assassin's Creed II: Looks just like AC1, which got borring before we finished it, so unless they introduce something amazing that hasn't been revealed yet, I'm going to skip it.
H3:ODST: It's Halo. So it's not bad. Could be better, but at least you aren't fucking master chief this time, so have fun.
Fairytale Fights: I didn't have time to demo this, but it looks entertaining so it might be worth your time.
TMNT: Smash-Up/arcade attack: These two TMNT games are TMNT games and they are worth it at 10 bucks but if they are charging any more its worth your time.
WET: This game looks like a mix between Wanted and Lara Croft. Which isn't that bad, but I've seen it before but its not horrible.
Rouge Warrior: This was kind of interesting but this wasn't that great.
Doom 2 on XBL: Its doom fucking 2. It's fun. it's old school. Hard to go wrong with a classic.
Left 4 dead 2: Did you like Left 4 dead? they didn't fix too much up, it's basically the same game. A friend who is the hardcore beat everyone at the original loved it, so take that as you will.
GOW3: hey look, a reason to own a ps3. what? You don't own a ps3? Shame on you. But it's awesome.
Uncharted 2: I didn't play enough of it to make a call on this, but it feels like the first part of uncharated(the human stuff) and its pretty fun.
Marvel ultimate allience 2: Same as the first. Interesting story. It'll be fun.
I was going to give my blow by blow experience of the Old republic footage, but because seeing is believing, here it is:;title;3
If your big on the Miniatures scene, Monsterpocalypse was represented by Privateer Press. The new set set to come out in October we're previewed and yeah, the new monsters look sexy.
So there it is, I had fun at PAX mostly just hanging out with people and gaming. I know, sounds like an expensive weekend of gaming, but with the previews and things going on, it is well enjoyable.
Also, the keynote wasn't that great. He was no Ron Levine or Wil Wheton. But the Penny ARcade Q and A was fantastic.
Oh one last thing, at least one ass hole went to pax with swine flu and infected at least me and 5 of my friends and beyond that there were over 100 reported cases. So fuck you guy who went to pax with the flu. For those interested me and my friends have recovered and have returned to the real world.
Alright, Have a great weekend,
that's my motto, or it would be if I started having a motto.
Fringe Season one
Fringe Season one
Alright so initially this was just going to be a review of the pilot episode of Fringe but I found that I was compelled to watch the whole season and upon its conclusion I determined that the pilot would do you the reader justice.
The show follows a fairly monster of the week formula after the pilot, even if episodes heavy in mythology. Typically you can miss a week and still be fine when it comes to the mythos of the series, you'll feel like you missed a little bit but its not like say Lost or Supernatural where the characters will end up in a completely different place an episode later than they were.
I don't suggest missing an episode, I'm just saying you can survive the first season that way. a handful(maybe 6-8) of the stand alone episodes(I'd estimate around 14 of the 20 episodes are true stand alones) aren't really worth much of your time, but they certainly try to keep you interested. There are therefore around 8 episodes of the series that are good standalones and they will give you hope for the rest of the series.
There are about 5 episodes that are Mythos episodes, and these are where this show Truly sparkles. If they focus in more on their mythology and less on the standalones(hopefully replacing half the meh stand alones with good ones and the other half with more mythology) and this show would rock.
There is also the pilot which is a beast on its own. It is worth a watch, but if it doesn't lock you in, watch the second episode for a better idea about how the fringe team will work each week and for a not horrible episode.
The basic idea of the show is that a team of an FBI agent whose past in deeply rooted in this world, a father whose basically the Tesla of our generation(along with his never seen but often talked about former partner, William Bell) and the scientists genius son as they(along with a lab assistant who becomes more and more prominent as the show goes on) and slowly you get your monster of the week, X-files clone. The problem is there if you don't like X-files, this might not do it for you. But it does use it's mythos to show it will be better than X-files at making the Mythology cool.
The real treat in the casting is Joshua Jackson as the son, along with the man Who plays the mad scientist, Walter. the other characters, especially the supporting cast of Fringe division are fantastic as well. The woman who plays Olivia isn't bad, but I wasn't ever able to care about her in the series. In fact, many of the guest stars of the week are more likable or at the very least sympathetic.
One of the biggest problems is that a great special guest appearance at the end of the season finale is ruined by A) hype and B) on screen credit. I won't ruin it for those of you who don't know, but suffice to say it is alot of awesome and to be fair was the only reason I chose to give fringe a second chance after being unimpressed with the pilot initially.
so I'll say this, its fun Scifi and its worth a peek. They go to places I wasn't expecting and the focus on these places in season 2 could turn this series around into being a new generations X-files(and hope for the greats like Dollhouse).
Alright so initially this was just going to be a review of the pilot episode of Fringe but I found that I was compelled to watch the whole season and upon its conclusion I determined that the pilot would do you the reader justice.
The show follows a fairly monster of the week formula after the pilot, even if episodes heavy in mythology. Typically you can miss a week and still be fine when it comes to the mythos of the series, you'll feel like you missed a little bit but its not like say Lost or Supernatural where the characters will end up in a completely different place an episode later than they were.
I don't suggest missing an episode, I'm just saying you can survive the first season that way. a handful(maybe 6-8) of the stand alone episodes(I'd estimate around 14 of the 20 episodes are true stand alones) aren't really worth much of your time, but they certainly try to keep you interested. There are therefore around 8 episodes of the series that are good standalones and they will give you hope for the rest of the series.
There are about 5 episodes that are Mythos episodes, and these are where this show Truly sparkles. If they focus in more on their mythology and less on the standalones(hopefully replacing half the meh stand alones with good ones and the other half with more mythology) and this show would rock.
There is also the pilot which is a beast on its own. It is worth a watch, but if it doesn't lock you in, watch the second episode for a better idea about how the fringe team will work each week and for a not horrible episode.
The basic idea of the show is that a team of an FBI agent whose past in deeply rooted in this world, a father whose basically the Tesla of our generation(along with his never seen but often talked about former partner, William Bell) and the scientists genius son as they(along with a lab assistant who becomes more and more prominent as the show goes on) and slowly you get your monster of the week, X-files clone. The problem is there if you don't like X-files, this might not do it for you. But it does use it's mythos to show it will be better than X-files at making the Mythology cool.
The real treat in the casting is Joshua Jackson as the son, along with the man Who plays the mad scientist, Walter. the other characters, especially the supporting cast of Fringe division are fantastic as well. The woman who plays Olivia isn't bad, but I wasn't ever able to care about her in the series. In fact, many of the guest stars of the week are more likable or at the very least sympathetic.
One of the biggest problems is that a great special guest appearance at the end of the season finale is ruined by A) hype and B) on screen credit. I won't ruin it for those of you who don't know, but suffice to say it is alot of awesome and to be fair was the only reason I chose to give fringe a second chance after being unimpressed with the pilot initially.
so I'll say this, its fun Scifi and its worth a peek. They go to places I wasn't expecting and the focus on these places in season 2 could turn this series around into being a new generations X-files(and hope for the greats like Dollhouse).
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Civil War, Abridged
Marvel Civil war abridged Amazon product review, a review of the sereis will come later.
I'm behind on my reviews by about another two weeks because my secondary hard drive will no longer be detected by my primary drive so le sigh.
I'll keep this brief,
The hardcover is lovely but way over priced for the content, despite being so large it only features 7 issues of content and then some really crappy bonus material, but its not bonus because you are paying 15 dollars more for this hardcover.
The biggest let down is the missing two pieces of epilogue(Captain America 25 and Civil War the Confession) that should have been included, as well the Amazing Spider-man issues that should have been included to improve the meat of the content.
Overall, skip this hard cover unless you absolutely must have a civil war hardcover.
I'm behind on my reviews by about another two weeks because my secondary hard drive will no longer be detected by my primary drive so le sigh.
I'll keep this brief,
The hardcover is lovely but way over priced for the content, despite being so large it only features 7 issues of content and then some really crappy bonus material, but its not bonus because you are paying 15 dollars more for this hardcover.
The biggest let down is the missing two pieces of epilogue(Captain America 25 and Civil War the Confession) that should have been included, as well the Amazing Spider-man issues that should have been included to improve the meat of the content.
Overall, skip this hard cover unless you absolutely must have a civil war hardcover.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name
Supernatural Season 5 review
NOTE: This review is written by an atheist with a deep love for the scifi elements of Christian Lore.
Episode one, season 5, "Sympathy for the Devil".
Season five kicks off with a...thunder...strike...alright whatever. The Then portion of the show opens up with Ac/Dc song ThunderStruck.
This moment is pretty epic. It's one of the weaker previously on segments. I felt like if you hadn't seen any of season 4, you'd be really confused right now. They didn't put enough push on the Angel's are real moment and continue the annoying plan of here's what you need to remember, rather than letting you be surprised.
We pick back up where season 4 left off and with a certain Fallen Angel getting his rise. I was concerned that certain mythology points might be foregone this season but they are still true to everything established and better than that they gloss over it in place of the episodes story so unless you are looking for it it's not explained, but if you've seen everything to date, it all makes sense.
Sam and Dean's relationship is just as strained as ever. This is less uncomfortable as in season 4, and for my money this makes for more watchability. I love episode 21 of season 4(when the levee breaks) but its hard for me to watch its really uncomfortable because of the places it takes characters. I really hope they bring the brothers back from this strained place quickly because their relationship is one of the key elements of this show so it makes the show harder to watch.
Bobby. Oh man, you are one awesome actor mr. Jim Beaver. I think I'd be sadder if you died then if Sam died. and thus I had a big Nooooooo moment when I thought this was going to end that way. But then I realized we were half way through the ep, and we found you in the hospital making me feel much better, But in general that was a great, earned character moment where no matter what you couldn't get Bobby to something that horrible against his will. That's not to say he didn't do his damage towards the Sam, but it was still painful to watch.
Speaking of Sam, I'm really glad they are making him tortured this season instead of trying to make him sympathetic, Last seasons attempt was a flop and resulted in me hating Sam more than anything. The show continues to push foreword the notion that Dean is running this show and that Sam happens to be there, This is an unfortunate turn the show took after a few episodes in season 3(with a couple notable exceptions) but it's clear this is far more about Dean being the Hero. So I have strong hope for redemption of Sam that the conclusion of this story will place Sam back on equal footing with Dean.
I can only wonder where this show will go post apocalypse(this is season 6.7, or 8 talk) because the show has such a foreword momentum that I'd hate to see lost ala Smallville with cool prelude, sucky overture.
The new Meg, much like the New Ruby last season, is substandard, though I am hoping she will be replaced soon based on obvious story moments.
Then I need to lastly talk about my absolutely fave stuff.
First off, Chuck is great times and the things he connects to only make our show better for it.
The return of Castiel was the single best moment of the show, it truly gives me hope for the pacing and plan for this show.
In a tangential storyline we have what I might end up considering a more brilliant character than Castiel. Lucifer. I had my doubts when I heard sympathetic devil but they brought the A game and set up a villain who is both Maleficent and Persuasive. It's easy to buy that this is a foe who has powers of pure darkness, but doesn't need them. He can talk his way out of the world. I'm curious to see what his grander and more specific plan for revenge on God is.
For those that didn't catch it, Castiel and the Brother's both Magically survived because of God's intervention.
So, stay tuned. This should be one of the few weekly tv reviews I intend to keep up on. I might try switching up the format.
As a side update: there might not be a full pax write up as I was struck by the piggy flu and most of my energy was drained to keep up a log after the fact and now my memories have faded someone. I'll at least get a write up on the MonPoc stuff and the Old Republic Demo.
NOTE: This review is written by an atheist with a deep love for the scifi elements of Christian Lore.
Episode one, season 5, "Sympathy for the Devil".
Season five kicks off with a...thunder...strike...alright whatever. The Then portion of the show opens up with Ac/Dc song ThunderStruck.
This moment is pretty epic. It's one of the weaker previously on segments. I felt like if you hadn't seen any of season 4, you'd be really confused right now. They didn't put enough push on the Angel's are real moment and continue the annoying plan of here's what you need to remember, rather than letting you be surprised.
We pick back up where season 4 left off and with a certain Fallen Angel getting his rise. I was concerned that certain mythology points might be foregone this season but they are still true to everything established and better than that they gloss over it in place of the episodes story so unless you are looking for it it's not explained, but if you've seen everything to date, it all makes sense.
Sam and Dean's relationship is just as strained as ever. This is less uncomfortable as in season 4, and for my money this makes for more watchability. I love episode 21 of season 4(when the levee breaks) but its hard for me to watch its really uncomfortable because of the places it takes characters. I really hope they bring the brothers back from this strained place quickly because their relationship is one of the key elements of this show so it makes the show harder to watch.
Bobby. Oh man, you are one awesome actor mr. Jim Beaver. I think I'd be sadder if you died then if Sam died. and thus I had a big Nooooooo moment when I thought this was going to end that way. But then I realized we were half way through the ep, and we found you in the hospital making me feel much better, But in general that was a great, earned character moment where no matter what you couldn't get Bobby to something that horrible against his will. That's not to say he didn't do his damage towards the Sam, but it was still painful to watch.
Speaking of Sam, I'm really glad they are making him tortured this season instead of trying to make him sympathetic, Last seasons attempt was a flop and resulted in me hating Sam more than anything. The show continues to push foreword the notion that Dean is running this show and that Sam happens to be there, This is an unfortunate turn the show took after a few episodes in season 3(with a couple notable exceptions) but it's clear this is far more about Dean being the Hero. So I have strong hope for redemption of Sam that the conclusion of this story will place Sam back on equal footing with Dean.
I can only wonder where this show will go post apocalypse(this is season 6.7, or 8 talk) because the show has such a foreword momentum that I'd hate to see lost ala Smallville with cool prelude, sucky overture.
The new Meg, much like the New Ruby last season, is substandard, though I am hoping she will be replaced soon based on obvious story moments.
Then I need to lastly talk about my absolutely fave stuff.
First off, Chuck is great times and the things he connects to only make our show better for it.
The return of Castiel was the single best moment of the show, it truly gives me hope for the pacing and plan for this show.
In a tangential storyline we have what I might end up considering a more brilliant character than Castiel. Lucifer. I had my doubts when I heard sympathetic devil but they brought the A game and set up a villain who is both Maleficent and Persuasive. It's easy to buy that this is a foe who has powers of pure darkness, but doesn't need them. He can talk his way out of the world. I'm curious to see what his grander and more specific plan for revenge on God is.
For those that didn't catch it, Castiel and the Brother's both Magically survived because of God's intervention.
So, stay tuned. This should be one of the few weekly tv reviews I intend to keep up on. I might try switching up the format.
As a side update: there might not be a full pax write up as I was struck by the piggy flu and most of my energy was drained to keep up a log after the fact and now my memories have faded someone. I'll at least get a write up on the MonPoc stuff and the Old Republic Demo.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Top 11 songs I want avaialbe via DLC
Okay so I've enjoyed Guitar hero 5 quite a bit. It's fun and requires me to work to get progresively better. but the set list is missing a few crucial songs that I want to play, so here are my top 11 songs I want available via DLC.
Honorable mention: Bleed American by Jimmy Eat World. I already have this song but I want the whole album to be available damn it,
Number 11. Sarah Yelling by Three Doors down.
10. Lights and Sounds by Yellowcard
9. The 12th day by Autopilot off.
8. 7 days till the wolves by Nightwish
7. Gimmee shelter By the rolling stones
6. The impresion that I get by Mighty mighty Bosstones
5. All my friends are Metal Heads by Less than Jake
4.Dance of the Eternity by Dream Theater
3. Juke Box Hero(live) by foreigner
2. Black Ice by AC/DC
1.Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen.
check back later and I may decide to update this list with reasoning why I want said songs.
Honorable mention: Bleed American by Jimmy Eat World. I already have this song but I want the whole album to be available damn it,
Number 11. Sarah Yelling by Three Doors down.
10. Lights and Sounds by Yellowcard
9. The 12th day by Autopilot off.
8. 7 days till the wolves by Nightwish
7. Gimmee shelter By the rolling stones
6. The impresion that I get by Mighty mighty Bosstones
5. All my friends are Metal Heads by Less than Jake
4.Dance of the Eternity by Dream Theater
3. Juke Box Hero(live) by foreigner
2. Black Ice by AC/DC
1.Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen.
check back later and I may decide to update this list with reasoning why I want said songs.
Another update
So few things going on, this week, (and to an extent last week) and possibly next week there will be no updates. Sorry about that, but in trade I have some cool stuff coming up. Firstly is my PAX write up. I'll be doing each each night but won't post it till I'm ready to piece together a full article with photos and the like. and this will be huge. Pax is after all, tomorrow. Next I'll have a review for Supernatural Season 4 blu ray set(and possibly a review for some episodes in prep for the upcoming season 5.
I'll be putting together a write up for Gurren Laggan and my thoughts on the series, and a review for Guitar Hero 5.
All of this is what's planned through the 18th(the beginning of my epic move).
I'll be putting together a write up for Gurren Laggan and my thoughts on the series, and a review for Guitar Hero 5.
All of this is what's planned through the 18th(the beginning of my epic move).
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