Spoiler Warning. Issue 3.
This is going to be a new style of discussion for things that haven't ended yet. There is an obvious spoiler warning attached and these are all my best aproximations of what's to come.
Our topic today? FlashPoint
Welcome to Issue three. In Today's discussion I'll lead us along a road that answers the question of what's going to happen in Flashpoint.
Background Info you should be aware of:
If you are looking to catch up and be able to fully understand this event there are Three books you need to read:
Time Masters: Vanishing Point
Flash: The Dasteredly Death of the Rouges.
Flash: The Road to Flashpoint.
Books worth reading so far:
Wonder Woman and the furies.
Emperor Aquaman
Batman: Knight of Vengence
Green Arrow Industries
And I haven't read it yet but I'm told several other tie ins including the Flying Greysons featuring Deadman are worth reading.
The Plot:
Barry Allen woke up in an alternate universe where Kal-el never became Superman, where Wonder Woman became an enraged leader, Aquaman became a tyrant, Captain Cold became Citizen Cold and the replacement for The Flash, the speed force never existed, and numerous other changes. Issue one ends with the reveal that not even Batman is the same, here he is Thomas Wayne!
The pacing of this Flashbook is sllllllooooooowwwwwww. In the first three issues we learn that Barry woke up in another universe and has no powers. The above changes were sort of revealed. That's it. in issue Two we build up more of those changes and then Barry fails to regain his powers and is electrocuted. In issue three he tries again to get his powers and succeeds. He teams up with Batman and Cyborg to go find Superman. That issues 1 through 3 of a five issue series.
The Future: This one is obvious, what's to come is the DCnU.
okay but in terms of spoilers, I suspect that in issue four we will watch Flash and Batman track down Superman, and try and bring down Reverse Flash. This will lead to issue five where Wonder Woman and Aquaman beat the shit out of each other until they both die, Flash finds Reverse Flash, beats him up and finds out he didn't cause this. Instead, it was future Barry, Hot Prusuit. He and sets things right. And then we get a big two page splash page transfering us back the DCnU. And in such, transfering me out of the main DC universe. As of this time, I've come to the conlcusion I will be reading a few books from DC for sure to help their sales, and a few books just to check out the issue ones, but mostly I'll be switching over to trade waiting DC from this point onward.
So if you really want to know whats to come after Flashpoint, wait for our next installment!
Tune in next week when we disucss The DCnU. We will also now be sticking to our regular Saturday/Wednesday schedule. This is a time period chosen to capitalize on New Releases of Comics and on what is usually one of the slower news days for comics.
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