Saturday, July 30, 2011

Spoiler Warning Issue 4

Spoiler Warning: Issue 4
Why The Legend of Korra is going to be more important than Avatar

Anyone with any amount of geekiness has likely seen Avatar: The Last Airbender.  They remember Ang, they remember Katara, They remember Sokka, and Appa, and Zuko and Azula.  But strangely enough more people remember Apa  than they remember Katara or Azula's names.  Much less do they remember Toph or Mai or Ty Lee.  But the Legend of Korra is different.  It has a female main character.  It isn't too often that major franchises hand over the reins to a female main character.  Why?  Well there is a latent sexism to it, and in certain companies( coughdccough)  an Overt one, but in most cases it is simply because they are targeting a young male demographic.  And sexism is paticularly rampent when it comes to targeting that young male demo because they are often in that "Ew girls are Icky phase"  but rather than try and show them that girls are not only good but as strong as their male counterparts, we reinforce this vision of men being beter than women.  But The Last Airbender changed that.  It gave women prominent roles,  and now it has grown to allow a female lead. 

I don't have any real, typical, future words regarding things that hadn't been revealed, but I can say that the series has grown in scope.  Originally planned as 12 episode miniseries will now be a 26 episode season, followed by a second season of similar length.  Featuring a new Avatar and an Anti-Bender revolution the series is taking a very different turn. 

*Stay tuned for next weeks installment where we hopefully get back on track starting 7 days from today!*

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