I think that about sums it up.
The only things this movie has going for it are the mindless action sequences and the nostalgia. Both are great. The action is some of the best I've seen since Rambo. I don't think it's better than Rambo(2008). Hell, I've been comparing this movie to Rambo repeatedly and you know what, this doesn't compare. Doesn't make it much not good, but ultimately it is disappointing. The casting. There isn't a single miscast in this entire movie. Everyone is used to their specific strengths and it works great. You get some legendary fights that will forever prove that not only were these guys the top of the field, they still are. The action has some of the biggest HOLY S---- moments all year. It will knock you back and keep hitting. So what doesn't work? For starters the story. And really this is everything. There's no heart here. I kept watching, and waiting for the reason I should care but it never came. I was never invested into the story. It all starts with Stalone creating a nation and a problem to be solved. That's not to say there are situations like this, but because this one was fake it didn't have the pathos. Had he chosen another real world conflict and then set his characters against that(and of course they can't solve it, but maybe help towards a solution) then maybe this movie might have had me on board. The character's don't get enough screentime to develop. Since these are all fresh, new characters, I never felt like I really understood who they were or what their history was. Some history was hinted at, but I feel like 30-40 minutes of screentime using a past mission to help set up more of their characters would have been nice. The dialogue and the like is really well done, the banter between these characters really gave the piece a charm to it. The CGI here is TERRIBLE. Any time it's a CGI effect, you can tell. Look at the boat scene in the beginning and anytime the camera is pointed towards the sky, you'll notice a fake night sky. The fire effect on a guy set on fire, looks terrible. Why? Because they have real fires burning around him and they don't match. What effects house couldn't match fire?! Anyways, the movie is set up to establish a franchise, and maybe that's were my story went to, to sequels. One that will end up killing off Stalone. But who knows. This movie isn't bad.
It's no Scott Pilgrim, but it's a good time and it'll tug at your inner action hero and remind you of the good ol' days of hard action. It just doesn't have the real heart to keep you locked in.
Overall, a B effort. I just wasn't blown away like I wanted to be.
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