So this is a scatter shot of reviews, I did some reviews on Twitter but here are the ongoing ones. They aren't necessarily full reviews, but some quick shots of what I'm reading and reacting.
Green Arrow #1(2010, JT KRUL):
So we open up on a pretty lame Green Arrow beats up crooks and then the vic talks to GA about his new status Quo scene. designed for the kids just joining. I hate you DC for not just using recap pages to describe whats going on, seriously, these pages make me want to tear my hair out.
So there is a new owner of Queen industries?
Can anyone tell me when someone cared about Queen industries again? I know I've forgotten most of what has happened in recent years but uh, wasn't the key to K. Smith's run that he didn't have a company anymore, that he didn't have any money? Why are we retreading this tired(and frankly uninteresting plot line?) Also why did Ollie stop being independently wealthy? What did he and Dinah have an officail divorce off the page(you know, because we all thought that seperation was a genius idea) and she take all the money?
I suspect that someone named JT just failed to read what came before. I hate writers who think they can write this series. At least Judd had a handle on the character. Afterall, Green Arrow is Batman. But replace the gadgets with Arrows. and replace the acting like a playboy with the he IS a playboy. They are similar yet different. I wish DC had some respect for the character still. Honestly, I can stand Judd's run. I love K. Smiths Run and I think that Archer's quest was a great way to be both relevant and respectful of the past for a character who just came back to life. It was a a proper "I'm Back" story. I wish I could get Green Arrow to get respect and get treated like Daredevil in the Marvel universe. You know, the kind of character you can do anything you want to, BUT you have to be a good writer. (And if anyone ever says that I can't write better, I'll have you know I'm in the middle of designing my own Ollie Queen story for the random off chance that one day I might be a writer and work for DC).
Back to this issue.
Now I have to admit, this new QI leader(queen to on the nose?) is interesting. But this party scene is pretty terrible....
Oh God random killing. of that commissioner that they spent so much time establishing? Wow, way to make me...not care?
So that cliffhanger....kind of random.
And those last few pages that actually link and set up the future issues? Kinda dull. Unlike the flashpoint page in The Flash #1, this GA page makes me feel nothing.
So Issue one is a failure. Let's read......
Green Arrow #2:
\\\Durr Durr Durr. JT apparently needs to explain ANYTHING that's happened recently at the start of each issue. What's next, a background explanation of Cry For Justice. (Seriously, if he does that I'm outta here).
Wow, I didn't think it was possible, but that issue was worse than teh first. How do I know? the middle pages are pointless action. And then it ends on ANOTHER random cliffhanger.
Here's a lesson JT, if you end on a cliffhanger like a good comic, it should feel random. It should make sense. It also can't just be for the sake of shock value because we all know you didn't just shoot Ollie in the head. That's it. Book dropped. This is too terrible. I check out GA again when they get a new writer. Again.
Since I read it earlier, but want to include my thoughts, I enjoyed Shadowland Issue 2. I'm curious to see how this all turns out. But so far it looks like too much is happening without explanation. It's like Diggle is skipping all of the important stuff. He's also seemed to make it so that it looks like Matt might really be in control, but I don't think he is. ugh. I like it because I enjoy reading it, I just have complaints and don't rank it any higher than a C.
New Avengers #2(vol. 2):
Hi good Bendis writing. I missed you.
Okay so that's a little harsh, but this really is the book Bendis should be writing along side USM. He could write just these two books(if he was only writing two current books he's writing) and it would be amazing.
Bendis does this big ol' action sequence(and continues his love for the Marvel Magic universe) while still getting great character moments in all over the place.
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