I've done these on occasion, but I think this one will be easier to follow along. Effectively this will be my impressions of the movie as I had them.
I'm not even 5 minutes inot this movie and it has skipped a great opportunity for conflict...I'm going to be pissed aren't I?
Holy gods. a movie set in india with actual Indians in it? Holy shit. Maybe this has potential. And somenamed Matt Smitth. a doctor maybe?
8 minutes into this comedy and I have my first laugh. Oh boy./
More missed opportunities. This movie also seems to confuse unfortunate with funny.
so much bathroom humour. This movie is killing me.
What the hell? Making fun of sexual orientation? Skipping over great moments of conflict, and great humour, and instead using potty humour?
There is some great humor that comes from knowing indian culture and how badly this guy is putting his foot in his mouth. But some of the--
--Other humour is just atrocious.
So the first major plot point is that he should learn Indian culture? Wow. Balls.
Oh goddess no. Please Do Not Tell Me that the rest of this movie is the same two jokes repeated but about different moments of culture.
Those two jokes are A) the aforementioned potty humour and B) the aforementioned cultrue conflict. I.E.--
confusing the terms Condo, Condom, Rubber, Eraser. In reverse order.
Wow, a real plot point. I'm a little shocked. I think there is the making of a good movie in here, in just needs to be better.
Okay, the day of holy scene was funny.
Holy fuck, they are doing a sitcom based on this show. That has potential for brilliance! So checking that out.
This moment can be summed up in one word: Cow.
Huh. As this movie aproaches something of one culture learning from another the film becomes far better. Maybe since there are two--
--writers that the crappy one took care of the first 30 minutes and the rest of it is this other guy who might have talent, maybe.
So maybe at like the halfway point the movie started changing its tone to EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED.
To be honest, I'm a little sad it's a NBC sitcom, this could have made for a great USA original series
Which since I don't watch a lot of USA series on a regular basis, I can say they do often put out quality shows with strong characters.
I kind of wish this movie spent more time dealing with Asha and Todd and Puro. They are the most interesting characters.
See now that's the kind of awkward that when used sparingly works. A man and a woman are forced into the Kama Sutra suite.
It just stopped being awesome when he actually says this is awkward. Though the irony of asking Kali to destroy something only to be --
suprised when it happened was a fantastic moment.
um random ass makeout/sex. Durr what? This film wasn't a romcom. But it just magicaly turned into one. I'm less impressed movie.
This is the most awkward flirtation scene ever, and I love it. Damn it movie, you are so inconsistent.
It's like the film just became a third different movie. This one, a romantic comedy.
"Do you love him?" "(deadpan)Not yet." such fantastic dialogue. I love these little gems of brilliance.
Allright, something I haven't mentioned. I love the acting in this movie. I really would hire all of them for different roles.
At some point I want to write characters who are Indian so I have the potential to have these levels of quality.I need to see more bollywood
and now we get a really cool, dark, almost introspective moment of epiphany. Love it.
Woah boy, movie just shifted so that I'm no longer as cranky. Hot damn, I think i'll be recommending this film.
Okay, this time the Sex makes sense.
Wow. I think I really am turned into liking this film.
I don't think I've 180'd on a movie like that before. That was... quite impressive
And a little note since I tracked down the author on twitter:
@jeffcoat Just saw outsourced, and loved 90 percent of it.Thanks for making the movie.Its nice to have a good movie every once in a while
On one last note, I notice that this movie functions in the same way that Garden State functions. In time I could see this film making my top 20 portion of my film list by this time next year. I need to buy this dvd.
HIGHLY recommended.
A review blog that covers various new media, Television, Movies, Comics, Novels, and Other stories based on my own personal Geek Sense.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
My Pull List
So anyone who is a fan of comics has likely heard of a pull list. Typically it is a list that your Local Comic Store(LCS/LCBS) is given by you to be pulled each week.
Well I am expanding the definition to include movies and Television. So here it is. The definitive list of the books are curently reading, the shows I plan to watch. The movies I'm eager to see, and the OGNs I want to read.
Some other terms that might be helpful to know:
Graphic Novel: This is typically a collection of single printed issues together in a collection. Though sometimes its an original story not printed elsewhere.
Original Graphic Novel(OGN): This is an original story printed for the first time as a Graphic Novel instead of single issues.
Trade Paperback(or Trades): Paperback version of a graphic novel.
Hardcover: Referring to hardcover graphic novels.
Tradewait:Tradewaiting is when someone chooses to specifically not read the single issues. Most common example(aka largest fanbase that does this) is Fables.
I also want to note this was inspired by Rich George of IGNComics, blog article about what he plans to watch this upcoming fall.
Firstly Comics I will read no matter what:
Ultimate Spider-Man
Buffy Season __
Generation Lost
Grant Morrison Batman(Batman and Robin, Return of Bruce Wayne, the return, Batman)
Avengers: Childrens Crusade
Steve Rodgers:Super Soldier
Thanos Imperative
Books that I think are good reads currently:
Tony Daniel Batman
Captain America
Books that I am curious about(these are books on my pull list that haven't existed enough in a consistent quality for me to make a strong judgment on):
Hawkeye and Mocking Bird
Secret Avengers
Ultimate Mystery
Books that I really should read as storyarcs/trade wait but don't(but are still great reads):
Walking Dead
Invincible Iron Man
Books that I read but aren't nessicarily great nor horendous:
Jericho:Season 3
Green Lantern
Uncanny X-men
Ultimate X
Books I want to be good but aren't:
Jurassic Park:Redemption
Avengers Prime
Brightest Day
Books that I tradewait:
Y the Last Man
Ex Machina
Books I'm about to start reading/excited to start reading:
Fantastic Four
Incognito:Bad Influences
Kick Ass 2
Ultimate Thor
So that's that list. I'll expand this list at
with film and television later, but for now, that's comics for me.
Well I am expanding the definition to include movies and Television. So here it is. The definitive list of the books are curently reading, the shows I plan to watch. The movies I'm eager to see, and the OGNs I want to read.
Some other terms that might be helpful to know:
Graphic Novel: This is typically a collection of single printed issues together in a collection. Though sometimes its an original story not printed elsewhere.
Original Graphic Novel(OGN): This is an original story printed for the first time as a Graphic Novel instead of single issues.
Trade Paperback(or Trades): Paperback version of a graphic novel.
Hardcover: Referring to hardcover graphic novels.
Tradewait:Tradewaiting is when someone chooses to specifically not read the single issues. Most common example(aka largest fanbase that does this) is Fables.
I also want to note this was inspired by Rich George of IGNComics, blog article about what he plans to watch this upcoming fall.
Firstly Comics I will read no matter what:
Ultimate Spider-Man
Buffy Season __
Generation Lost
Grant Morrison Batman(Batman and Robin, Return of Bruce Wayne, the return, Batman)
Avengers: Childrens Crusade
Steve Rodgers:Super Soldier
Thanos Imperative
Books that I think are good reads currently:
Tony Daniel Batman
Captain America
Books that I am curious about(these are books on my pull list that haven't existed enough in a consistent quality for me to make a strong judgment on):
Hawkeye and Mocking Bird
Secret Avengers
Ultimate Mystery
Books that I really should read as storyarcs/trade wait but don't(but are still great reads):
Walking Dead
Invincible Iron Man
Books that I read but aren't nessicarily great nor horendous:
Jericho:Season 3
Green Lantern
Uncanny X-men
Ultimate X
Books I want to be good but aren't:
Jurassic Park:Redemption
Avengers Prime
Brightest Day
Books that I tradewait:
Y the Last Man
Ex Machina
Books I'm about to start reading/excited to start reading:
Fantastic Four
Incognito:Bad Influences
Kick Ass 2
Ultimate Thor
So that's that list. I'll expand this list at
with film and television later, but for now, that's comics for me.
Friday, August 20, 2010
A review of the web series The Guild: Seasons 1-3
Okay so this is going to be quick.
Season one is fairly dreadful. There are a few good minutes but a lot of it is really Zaboo being awkward and as such you just want him to go so you can watch Felicia Day do awesome things. And lo and behold, Season two has Zaboo moving out and suddenly as a result we get an interesting story that isn't based on the super awkwardness that is Zaboo being a stalker. Don't get me wrong, I like Zaboo as a character but his forced placement in the first season just feels too awkward and suddenly you don't want to be there anymore. It takes AWAY the enjoyment. Which shouldn't happen at all. The enjoyment should be living in the piece. Which brings us to season 3. Season 3 is firing on all cylinders. You get good payoff for many storyarchs that had been on the slow burn. The writers feel like they are finally confident as writers and allow their characters do things in a way that feels natural. It still feels too short though. I get that they are 5 minute episodes, but there should be more episodes than what is given. There should be closer to 20 episodes a season, not 12-13. Also more Wil Wheton. His character breathes incredible life into the show and it really steps up the game.
Season one is fairly dreadful. There are a few good minutes but a lot of it is really Zaboo being awkward and as such you just want him to go so you can watch Felicia Day do awesome things. And lo and behold, Season two has Zaboo moving out and suddenly as a result we get an interesting story that isn't based on the super awkwardness that is Zaboo being a stalker. Don't get me wrong, I like Zaboo as a character but his forced placement in the first season just feels too awkward and suddenly you don't want to be there anymore. It takes AWAY the enjoyment. Which shouldn't happen at all. The enjoyment should be living in the piece. Which brings us to season 3. Season 3 is firing on all cylinders. You get good payoff for many storyarchs that had been on the slow burn. The writers feel like they are finally confident as writers and allow their characters do things in a way that feels natural. It still feels too short though. I get that they are 5 minute episodes, but there should be more episodes than what is given. There should be closer to 20 episodes a season, not 12-13. Also more Wil Wheton. His character breathes incredible life into the show and it really steps up the game.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Mindless action movie with nothing but nostalgia keeping it going for an hour and 30 minutes? -- Yep it's the Expendables.
I think that about sums it up.
The only things this movie has going for it are the mindless action sequences and the nostalgia. Both are great. The action is some of the best I've seen since Rambo. I don't think it's better than Rambo(2008). Hell, I've been comparing this movie to Rambo repeatedly and you know what, this doesn't compare. Doesn't make it much not good, but ultimately it is disappointing. The casting. There isn't a single miscast in this entire movie. Everyone is used to their specific strengths and it works great. You get some legendary fights that will forever prove that not only were these guys the top of the field, they still are. The action has some of the biggest HOLY S---- moments all year. It will knock you back and keep hitting. So what doesn't work? For starters the story. And really this is everything. There's no heart here. I kept watching, and waiting for the reason I should care but it never came. I was never invested into the story. It all starts with Stalone creating a nation and a problem to be solved. That's not to say there are situations like this, but because this one was fake it didn't have the pathos. Had he chosen another real world conflict and then set his characters against that(and of course they can't solve it, but maybe help towards a solution) then maybe this movie might have had me on board. The character's don't get enough screentime to develop. Since these are all fresh, new characters, I never felt like I really understood who they were or what their history was. Some history was hinted at, but I feel like 30-40 minutes of screentime using a past mission to help set up more of their characters would have been nice. The dialogue and the like is really well done, the banter between these characters really gave the piece a charm to it. The CGI here is TERRIBLE. Any time it's a CGI effect, you can tell. Look at the boat scene in the beginning and anytime the camera is pointed towards the sky, you'll notice a fake night sky. The fire effect on a guy set on fire, looks terrible. Why? Because they have real fires burning around him and they don't match. What effects house couldn't match fire?! Anyways, the movie is set up to establish a franchise, and maybe that's were my story went to, to sequels. One that will end up killing off Stalone. But who knows. This movie isn't bad.
It's no Scott Pilgrim, but it's a good time and it'll tug at your inner action hero and remind you of the good ol' days of hard action. It just doesn't have the real heart to keep you locked in.
Overall, a B effort. I just wasn't blown away like I wanted to be.
The only things this movie has going for it are the mindless action sequences and the nostalgia. Both are great. The action is some of the best I've seen since Rambo. I don't think it's better than Rambo(2008). Hell, I've been comparing this movie to Rambo repeatedly and you know what, this doesn't compare. Doesn't make it much not good, but ultimately it is disappointing. The casting. There isn't a single miscast in this entire movie. Everyone is used to their specific strengths and it works great. You get some legendary fights that will forever prove that not only were these guys the top of the field, they still are. The action has some of the biggest HOLY S---- moments all year. It will knock you back and keep hitting. So what doesn't work? For starters the story. And really this is everything. There's no heart here. I kept watching, and waiting for the reason I should care but it never came. I was never invested into the story. It all starts with Stalone creating a nation and a problem to be solved. That's not to say there are situations like this, but because this one was fake it didn't have the pathos. Had he chosen another real world conflict and then set his characters against that(and of course they can't solve it, but maybe help towards a solution) then maybe this movie might have had me on board. The character's don't get enough screentime to develop. Since these are all fresh, new characters, I never felt like I really understood who they were or what their history was. Some history was hinted at, but I feel like 30-40 minutes of screentime using a past mission to help set up more of their characters would have been nice. The dialogue and the like is really well done, the banter between these characters really gave the piece a charm to it. The CGI here is TERRIBLE. Any time it's a CGI effect, you can tell. Look at the boat scene in the beginning and anytime the camera is pointed towards the sky, you'll notice a fake night sky. The fire effect on a guy set on fire, looks terrible. Why? Because they have real fires burning around him and they don't match. What effects house couldn't match fire?! Anyways, the movie is set up to establish a franchise, and maybe that's were my story went to, to sequels. One that will end up killing off Stalone. But who knows. This movie isn't bad.
It's no Scott Pilgrim, but it's a good time and it'll tug at your inner action hero and remind you of the good ol' days of hard action. It just doesn't have the real heart to keep you locked in.
Overall, a B effort. I just wasn't blown away like I wanted to be.
Comic reviews Cover the weeks prior to August 13th
So this is a scatter shot of reviews, I did some reviews on Twitter but here are the ongoing ones. They aren't necessarily full reviews, but some quick shots of what I'm reading and reacting.
Green Arrow #1(2010, JT KRUL):
So we open up on a pretty lame Green Arrow beats up crooks and then the vic talks to GA about his new status Quo scene. designed for the kids just joining. I hate you DC for not just using recap pages to describe whats going on, seriously, these pages make me want to tear my hair out.
So there is a new owner of Queen industries?
Can anyone tell me when someone cared about Queen industries again? I know I've forgotten most of what has happened in recent years but uh, wasn't the key to K. Smith's run that he didn't have a company anymore, that he didn't have any money? Why are we retreading this tired(and frankly uninteresting plot line?) Also why did Ollie stop being independently wealthy? What did he and Dinah have an officail divorce off the page(you know, because we all thought that seperation was a genius idea) and she take all the money?
I suspect that someone named JT just failed to read what came before. I hate writers who think they can write this series. At least Judd had a handle on the character. Afterall, Green Arrow is Batman. But replace the gadgets with Arrows. and replace the acting like a playboy with the he IS a playboy. They are similar yet different. I wish DC had some respect for the character still. Honestly, I can stand Judd's run. I love K. Smiths Run and I think that Archer's quest was a great way to be both relevant and respectful of the past for a character who just came back to life. It was a a proper "I'm Back" story. I wish I could get Green Arrow to get respect and get treated like Daredevil in the Marvel universe. You know, the kind of character you can do anything you want to, BUT you have to be a good writer. (And if anyone ever says that I can't write better, I'll have you know I'm in the middle of designing my own Ollie Queen story for the random off chance that one day I might be a writer and work for DC).
Back to this issue.
Now I have to admit, this new QI leader(queen to on the nose?) is interesting. But this party scene is pretty terrible....
Oh God random killing. of that commissioner that they spent so much time establishing? Wow, way to make me...not care?
So that cliffhanger....kind of random.
And those last few pages that actually link and set up the future issues? Kinda dull. Unlike the flashpoint page in The Flash #1, this GA page makes me feel nothing.
So Issue one is a failure. Let's read......
Green Arrow #2:
\\\Durr Durr Durr. JT apparently needs to explain ANYTHING that's happened recently at the start of each issue. What's next, a background explanation of Cry For Justice. (Seriously, if he does that I'm outta here).
Wow, I didn't think it was possible, but that issue was worse than teh first. How do I know? the middle pages are pointless action. And then it ends on ANOTHER random cliffhanger.
Here's a lesson JT, if you end on a cliffhanger like a good comic, it should feel random. It should make sense. It also can't just be for the sake of shock value because we all know you didn't just shoot Ollie in the head. That's it. Book dropped. This is too terrible. I check out GA again when they get a new writer. Again.
Since I read it earlier, but want to include my thoughts, I enjoyed Shadowland Issue 2. I'm curious to see how this all turns out. But so far it looks like too much is happening without explanation. It's like Diggle is skipping all of the important stuff. He's also seemed to make it so that it looks like Matt might really be in control, but I don't think he is. ugh. I like it because I enjoy reading it, I just have complaints and don't rank it any higher than a C.
New Avengers #2(vol. 2):
Hi good Bendis writing. I missed you.
Okay so that's a little harsh, but this really is the book Bendis should be writing along side USM. He could write just these two books(if he was only writing two current books he's writing) and it would be amazing.
Bendis does this big ol' action sequence(and continues his love for the Marvel Magic universe) while still getting great character moments in all over the place.
Green Arrow #1(2010, JT KRUL):
So we open up on a pretty lame Green Arrow beats up crooks and then the vic talks to GA about his new status Quo scene. designed for the kids just joining. I hate you DC for not just using recap pages to describe whats going on, seriously, these pages make me want to tear my hair out.
So there is a new owner of Queen industries?
Can anyone tell me when someone cared about Queen industries again? I know I've forgotten most of what has happened in recent years but uh, wasn't the key to K. Smith's run that he didn't have a company anymore, that he didn't have any money? Why are we retreading this tired(and frankly uninteresting plot line?) Also why did Ollie stop being independently wealthy? What did he and Dinah have an officail divorce off the page(you know, because we all thought that seperation was a genius idea) and she take all the money?
I suspect that someone named JT just failed to read what came before. I hate writers who think they can write this series. At least Judd had a handle on the character. Afterall, Green Arrow is Batman. But replace the gadgets with Arrows. and replace the acting like a playboy with the he IS a playboy. They are similar yet different. I wish DC had some respect for the character still. Honestly, I can stand Judd's run. I love K. Smiths Run and I think that Archer's quest was a great way to be both relevant and respectful of the past for a character who just came back to life. It was a a proper "I'm Back" story. I wish I could get Green Arrow to get respect and get treated like Daredevil in the Marvel universe. You know, the kind of character you can do anything you want to, BUT you have to be a good writer. (And if anyone ever says that I can't write better, I'll have you know I'm in the middle of designing my own Ollie Queen story for the random off chance that one day I might be a writer and work for DC).
Back to this issue.
Now I have to admit, this new QI leader(queen to on the nose?) is interesting. But this party scene is pretty terrible....
Oh God random killing. of that commissioner that they spent so much time establishing? Wow, way to make me...not care?
So that cliffhanger....kind of random.
And those last few pages that actually link and set up the future issues? Kinda dull. Unlike the flashpoint page in The Flash #1, this GA page makes me feel nothing.
So Issue one is a failure. Let's read......
Green Arrow #2:
\\\Durr Durr Durr. JT apparently needs to explain ANYTHING that's happened recently at the start of each issue. What's next, a background explanation of Cry For Justice. (Seriously, if he does that I'm outta here).
Wow, I didn't think it was possible, but that issue was worse than teh first. How do I know? the middle pages are pointless action. And then it ends on ANOTHER random cliffhanger.
Here's a lesson JT, if you end on a cliffhanger like a good comic, it should feel random. It should make sense. It also can't just be for the sake of shock value because we all know you didn't just shoot Ollie in the head. That's it. Book dropped. This is too terrible. I check out GA again when they get a new writer. Again.
Since I read it earlier, but want to include my thoughts, I enjoyed Shadowland Issue 2. I'm curious to see how this all turns out. But so far it looks like too much is happening without explanation. It's like Diggle is skipping all of the important stuff. He's also seemed to make it so that it looks like Matt might really be in control, but I don't think he is. ugh. I like it because I enjoy reading it, I just have complaints and don't rank it any higher than a C.
New Avengers #2(vol. 2):
Hi good Bendis writing. I missed you.
Okay so that's a little harsh, but this really is the book Bendis should be writing along side USM. He could write just these two books(if he was only writing two current books he's writing) and it would be amazing.
Bendis does this big ol' action sequence(and continues his love for the Marvel Magic universe) while still getting great character moments in all over the place.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
The Top 100 film list(Fall 2010 edition) Part 0
Because I just finished the final list for the Fall of 2010, which will premiere in September, I have found that 11 extra films didn't make it in the 100 anymore. They are now on display here. Also is the new format, going from the top of that paticular section down. This is for later reading as I found that if I set it up like this, when you look at it in the archive you can just go down from top to bottom reading the 100 list.
101.The Crow(1994)
102. Wanted(2008)
103. Pulp Fiction(1994)
104.To Kill a Mocking Bird(1962)
105.Jackie Brown(1997)
106.Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban(2004)
107. Gold Finger(Bond) (1964)
108. Wizard of Oz(1939)
109. Schindler's list(1993)
110. Pitch Black (2000)
101.The Crow(1994)
102. Wanted(2008)
103. Pulp Fiction(1994)
104.To Kill a Mocking Bird(1962)
105.Jackie Brown(1997)
106.Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban(2004)
107. Gold Finger(Bond) (1964)
108. Wizard of Oz(1939)
109. Schindler's list(1993)
110. Pitch Black (2000)
Saturday, August 7, 2010
A story of the Russian Mob and Porn, but tasteful. - a review of Middle Men
So I'm going to be very brief with this review.
I really enjoyed this film. It is your standard guy gets in too deep with the mob but it has some twists such as being from the perspective of the straight man not the crazies. and has the side angle of being based on the true story of how the internet really started. The story is entertaining, the characters are likable and or interesting and there are some great performances from all of the actors here. There are some cool plot points and for the most part a good chunk of the movie isn't all that predictable. The ending does feel a little Hollywood but not everything can be The Dark Knight. Check it out. Oh yeah, on top of being a drama, it's also really funny and will have you laughing for your money.
Overall, see this movie, a strong effort. Certainly a B+ and worth seeing. Do you NEED to see it in theaters? No. Will it be the best movie that came out this week that you'll see? Yeah. Yeah it will.
I really enjoyed this film. It is your standard guy gets in too deep with the mob but it has some twists such as being from the perspective of the straight man not the crazies. and has the side angle of being based on the true story of how the internet really started. The story is entertaining, the characters are likable and or interesting and there are some great performances from all of the actors here. There are some cool plot points and for the most part a good chunk of the movie isn't all that predictable. The ending does feel a little Hollywood but not everything can be The Dark Knight. Check it out. Oh yeah, on top of being a drama, it's also really funny and will have you laughing for your money.
Overall, see this movie, a strong effort. Certainly a B+ and worth seeing. Do you NEED to see it in theaters? No. Will it be the best movie that came out this week that you'll see? Yeah. Yeah it will.
Backtracks: A review of The Sorcerers Apprentice
The Sorcerers apprentice is a tale of a young mouse who, when his master is out missuses magic to do his chores via sentient mops.
Oh, you wanted a review of the movie? Strangely that description does describe a scene, but mouse is metaphorical.
In general this movie dissapoints. That's not to say it's a terrible movie. it is fully watchable. but there are so many missteps and so many reminders of what this movie could be that you don't really want to watch more.
For example, the beginning. It is a 5-6 minute sequence that outlines the back story of the movie. But it shows so much material that it is clearly a 15-30 minute sequence edited down to a montage. This is because it follows the Jerry Bruckheimer school of film. Which that the first film in any franchise sticks strictly to the formula. Now that's not to knock formula, if done correctly(I.E. Pirates of the Caribbean) it can be successful. if not, you get Prince of Persia. This falls somewhere in the middle. And it sucks because of that. It makes you feel frustrated. What is that formula you ask? So for example, in the first ten minutes of the movie the overall plot will have at least sown most of it's seeds. It might be 30 minutes in before it shows you exactly what the plot is, but it does set it up. Also in the time you'll establish Genre. In these action/comedy cases, it means you'll get an action sequence, often unnecessarily so. and of course if they average 120 minutes, at around the 60 minute mark you'll get a big elaborate action sequence, at 90 minutes you'll have the hero all but defeated, and at 120 the movie will be over. It's a little more specific than that but that's the gist of it. Check it out for yourself. It's pretty accurate give or take 10 minutes. Except for that opening. Almost every time its set up by minute 10, and usually at or around minute 10 some big change happens in the heroes life to set him on his course. This all goes back to The Great Journey and Joesph Campbell but the point is that it is so trite that there is almost no variation in this movies that it falls on the other elements to make the movie work. Firstly the action has to be entertaining. Going back to Pirates(which I'll do repeatedly), that first action sequence is engaging and gives you an idea for Jack Sparrows character. You also get a sequence where you learn who each of your main characters are. That's what action sequences should do. They shouldn't be there simply to be plot, nor should they simply be there, they need to reinforce character. One or two action sequences in this movie do that. But that's it. The rest are just okay. So then we look at character. Well the characters are pretty bland. The main character is a science geek(we are told this repeatedly) who really hasn't had luck with the ladies since he was a child and Nic Cage's character F'ed it all up for him and then everyone thought he was crazy. He has a roommate that we see twice, and in those two appearances he is a far more interesting character than any one else in this movie. His(our main character played by Jay Buchnel) only really interesting bit of characterization is after he runs into and kind of almost stalks his childhood crush, he listens to her play a song on the radio(a fairly forgettable tune by one republic, this coming from someone who listens to one republic) and gets it to sync with a set of Tesla coils(really cool bit of science, look it up). Nic Cage seems to have been told to curve his awesomeness displayed in Kick Ass and as such is fairly boring. And so is our forgettable villain played by Al Molina. Okay so the characters are bland, the action is bland, what's good in this thing? Is the comedy any good, you ask? Good comedy can go a long way to taking a otherwise okay film and make it great. Well most of the comedy falls flat. Too many puns and too many jokes that just aren't funny or worth more than a chuckle. The movie's best joke is on the screen so fast that if you blinked you'd miss it. Basically(and this scene is longer in the trailer which is the entire reason I wanted to see this movie) Jay's character asks Nic if he's crazy. Nic puts his fingers up, his thumb and his pointer and closes them close in as if to say tiny bit. it is the great moment that I can't tell if it is the writing(at some draft, and if it was that person should write more) or if it was ab lib(in which case Nic Cage really was being curbed and not just trying to pay off his debt). I wanted to like this movie. On the bright side it didn't sequel bait. It's clear you could write more in this world but overall I don't want more to be done. I think you can do a Sorcerer story better and I don't want this to be our next fantasy franchise. Don't pay 10 bucks to see this.
Overall since it's not unwatchable, just disappointing, I'd give the movie a C-. But don't buy it or see it in theaters. Maybe watch it on Netflix one day, or On Demand. But unless you HAVE to own every Nic Cage movie, go see something better.
Oh, you wanted a review of the movie? Strangely that description does describe a scene, but mouse is metaphorical.
In general this movie dissapoints. That's not to say it's a terrible movie. it is fully watchable. but there are so many missteps and so many reminders of what this movie could be that you don't really want to watch more.
For example, the beginning. It is a 5-6 minute sequence that outlines the back story of the movie. But it shows so much material that it is clearly a 15-30 minute sequence edited down to a montage. This is because it follows the Jerry Bruckheimer school of film. Which that the first film in any franchise sticks strictly to the formula. Now that's not to knock formula, if done correctly(I.E. Pirates of the Caribbean) it can be successful. if not, you get Prince of Persia. This falls somewhere in the middle. And it sucks because of that. It makes you feel frustrated. What is that formula you ask? So for example, in the first ten minutes of the movie the overall plot will have at least sown most of it's seeds. It might be 30 minutes in before it shows you exactly what the plot is, but it does set it up. Also in the time you'll establish Genre. In these action/comedy cases, it means you'll get an action sequence, often unnecessarily so. and of course if they average 120 minutes, at around the 60 minute mark you'll get a big elaborate action sequence, at 90 minutes you'll have the hero all but defeated, and at 120 the movie will be over. It's a little more specific than that but that's the gist of it. Check it out for yourself. It's pretty accurate give or take 10 minutes. Except for that opening. Almost every time its set up by minute 10, and usually at or around minute 10 some big change happens in the heroes life to set him on his course. This all goes back to The Great Journey and Joesph Campbell but the point is that it is so trite that there is almost no variation in this movies that it falls on the other elements to make the movie work. Firstly the action has to be entertaining. Going back to Pirates(which I'll do repeatedly), that first action sequence is engaging and gives you an idea for Jack Sparrows character. You also get a sequence where you learn who each of your main characters are. That's what action sequences should do. They shouldn't be there simply to be plot, nor should they simply be there, they need to reinforce character. One or two action sequences in this movie do that. But that's it. The rest are just okay. So then we look at character. Well the characters are pretty bland. The main character is a science geek(we are told this repeatedly) who really hasn't had luck with the ladies since he was a child and Nic Cage's character F'ed it all up for him and then everyone thought he was crazy. He has a roommate that we see twice, and in those two appearances he is a far more interesting character than any one else in this movie. His(our main character played by Jay Buchnel) only really interesting bit of characterization is after he runs into and kind of almost stalks his childhood crush, he listens to her play a song on the radio(a fairly forgettable tune by one republic, this coming from someone who listens to one republic) and gets it to sync with a set of Tesla coils(really cool bit of science, look it up). Nic Cage seems to have been told to curve his awesomeness displayed in Kick Ass and as such is fairly boring. And so is our forgettable villain played by Al Molina. Okay so the characters are bland, the action is bland, what's good in this thing? Is the comedy any good, you ask? Good comedy can go a long way to taking a otherwise okay film and make it great. Well most of the comedy falls flat. Too many puns and too many jokes that just aren't funny or worth more than a chuckle. The movie's best joke is on the screen so fast that if you blinked you'd miss it. Basically(and this scene is longer in the trailer which is the entire reason I wanted to see this movie) Jay's character asks Nic if he's crazy. Nic puts his fingers up, his thumb and his pointer and closes them close in as if to say tiny bit. it is the great moment that I can't tell if it is the writing(at some draft, and if it was that person should write more) or if it was ab lib(in which case Nic Cage really was being curbed and not just trying to pay off his debt). I wanted to like this movie. On the bright side it didn't sequel bait. It's clear you could write more in this world but overall I don't want more to be done. I think you can do a Sorcerer story better and I don't want this to be our next fantasy franchise. Don't pay 10 bucks to see this.
Overall since it's not unwatchable, just disappointing, I'd give the movie a C-. But don't buy it or see it in theaters. Maybe watch it on Netflix one day, or On Demand. But unless you HAVE to own every Nic Cage movie, go see something better.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
A movie that makes you feel like a Schmuck. - A review of Dinner For Schmucks
A Faux review because I couldn't bring myself to write a real review, maybe one day. But for now, this is as much thought as I can deal with for this movie. The rest of this week shall include the appearances of reviews for the Blu Ray of Kick Ass, and hopefully reviews of Middle Men and Easy A.
I can not emphasize how much you should avoid this movie. Unless all you like is movies with stupid humour and humor based on people supposedly acting like idiots them this movie isn't for you.
Overall avoid this movie. F. There is no way I can recommend this movie, I'd rather you pay money to see Twilight. I felt dirty watching this movie. Any movie whose message is obviously laughing at people doing stupid things is morally wrong, but at the same time having your entire movie having you do that? The validity of the moralistic message is lost when your creative forces don't follow it. I need a shower.
I can not emphasize how much you should avoid this movie. Unless all you like is movies with stupid humour and humor based on people supposedly acting like idiots them this movie isn't for you.
Overall avoid this movie. F. There is no way I can recommend this movie, I'd rather you pay money to see Twilight. I felt dirty watching this movie. Any movie whose message is obviously laughing at people doing stupid things is morally wrong, but at the same time having your entire movie having you do that? The validity of the moralistic message is lost when your creative forces don't follow it. I need a shower.
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