Warning, there may or may not be spoilers included. this is your only warning.
So what is this movie about? Scott Pilgrim. Bass player. Down on his luck lovable loser. Finds his way into a relationship that kinda sucks and then meets the girl of his dreams. and then in order to date her, he has to battle her seven evil exes. But the movie is better than it sounds on paper. By a lot.
This is one of those directing experiences where you look at the final product and assume someone knew exactly what they were doing and firing on all the right cylinders. This is of course talking about Edgar Wright of Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz fame. This might be better than both of them. I know, I know. Blasphemy. But hear me out. I had one of the most enjoyable experiences with this movie even if I waited for way to long to see this movie early. I'm not even a fan of the books and yet I was fully engaged in the world and the story without much trouble. The movie has 7 elaborate action sequences and they are all beautiful. And I don't just mean in the sense that they are intense and full of emotional packed punches, they are that too, but they are fantastically pretty to look at. So this is a great diversion for me to talk about which is that this movie uses action as an emotional storytelling device to explore back story. Well most of them. There is one fight involving the twins that doesn't have the same kick that alll of the other scenes do, but overall most of the scenes are fantastic. Now I think this is part of Original Graphic Novel writer Brian Lee O'Malley's scripts in the book, but I find it really compelling and it works in a strange, surrealistic way. And part of the reason these scenes work is because there is a sense of magical realism going on. There has to be because when he defeats an evil Ex they burst into quarters. And so we then can move on to the Exes themselves. They are each carefully different from each other while all having an overall theme to them. I don't want to give away any of them because this movie is a hilarious comedy and part of that is these characters reveals, but I will say that the actors are strong in all of them except the twins. Because the twins are such a bit part in the movie and in their purpose they feel like a plot device, not as a part of the story. They are there and then they are gone. As for the other actors you have many solid performances, but none of them outside of the exes JUMP out and steal the show. Okay, that's a lie. The Culkin in this movie, Kirieon I think, is pretty awesome. Our leads are solid but they don't break the mold. See this movie as soon as you can.
This movie scores a rocking A- for being awesome. But when it comes down to me choosing between Inception and Scott as my fave movie of the year, Inception will win. When it comes down to which I'll watch more, Scott Pilgrim shall win.
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