The general idea in this movie is that you can enter someones mind and steal an idea. Anything else I could tell you would be spoilers.
So. I should also just say it right now, straight up, I loved this movie. It was fantastic. This is a film that will easily make my top 20 when I revisit my top 100 list for October. This is the kind of film that will inspire debate. This is the kind of film that makes movies like The Matrix and Fight Club totally simple in that they had one story all along, you just need to watch it multiple times to figure out what that is. This is a story with several narratives. You can look at the film and dissect it several ways. This movie will make you think. It is not a sit down and shut your brain off piece of trash. It is a smart, make you think and question existence kind of movie. The themes throughout haven't even all been discovered by our thousands of minds who have chosen o write upon its existence. instead just know this will twist your mind in ways you didn't think would happen.
The Acting is top notch here. The performances are high caliber. I wouldn't say any of them are oscar worthy or even career defining, but I will say it should open the door for several of the actors and actresses to hopefully get more notice for their talents by the mainstream public. For example while everyone knows her for Juno, few remember her from X-men:the Last stand, or her true piece of absolute magic in Hard Candy. Leo continues to show off the fact that he grew up with the world and proved himself long ago to be more than a child star. And then more thana teen star. And then more than just another actor. Joseph Gordon Levit is a dream as always. There are certain nuances to his performance that really remind me that he is just steps away from breaking out as being known for truly being Brilliant. Ken Watanabe also brings his A game and shows that he actually had more to him that what he was allowed to show off five years ago in Batman Begins.
The effects are mindblowing. These are the kind of effects I love. A lot of them are practical and when they use digital effects the only reason our minds know they are digital is because we look at something and go that isn't possible by any physics I know. which is how it should be. If you were to ask me, I'd easily give any effects awards to Inception over Avatar anyday. There are scenes such as the ones when they are first constructing the dream worlds that stand out as really pushing the technology. But the drawback about this is that they aren't used to much avail later in the film or in the films climactic last hour. Yeah it has a climactic last hour. deal with it.
I really wanted to give this film a full perfect score but it is failing in a couple points. The first major one is that while Nolan as a director has grown and is far more comprehensible in his shots than he once was, there are still the occasional scene where any and all logistics are out the window and I don't really feel like I have a strong mental image of the exact set up, even by the end of the scene. That said, some of the shots are too brilliant for words and most importantly Nolan continues to prove he can shoot cityscapes better than anyone else because he always manages to find a new angle to look at it from, never resorting to stock footage.
The whole thing weaves together in a story that I can't even talk about. But like I said, you will think you figured it out, and the person next to you will have come up with a completely separate response to the movie.
Overall I grade this A.
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