In a world where movies never quite reach our expectations, where we are forced to sit through the trite, and the mundane, we find Thor. Thor is all about the acting. In every way we are talking about performances that are nuanced and varied in ways that the one two punch of talented director and talented actors fused together can bring to the table. Everyone makes the part but there are a handful of actors who jump leaps and bounds above the rest. In third place we have Sir Anthony Hopkins, whose role as Odin is quite pressing. His voice, his presence, even the looks he give feel the weight of Odin. He absolutely is the Allfather and in every way is playing the role he was born to play. But if Anthony Hopkins, a talent actor to play a character then Chris Hemsworth is Thor who happens to be an actor. You will believe a Thor can fly. Or something. He is both Charming and Arrogant. He is skilled in every way possible. And then, then, Then, There is Mr. Tom Hiddelson who completely became Loki. He is both vulnerable and vengeful. You will both relate and despise him. He is the pure embodiment of Mischief.
The plot uses the Iron Man origin formula, but has one advantage: Better third act. Here there is no down time, no moments where you go “really?”, everything happens and it works. Almost. The biggest weakness of this movie is that Thor’s turn to humility feels rushed. It’s not quite 100 percent. It’s about 90 percent there; it was just missing that last Omph to get it to 100 percent. This far outshines Iron Man 2, it offers much in the way of getting us to the Avengers, but that paving doesn’t feel like the point of the movie. Instead it feels like an extra moment of being ready. The film even ends on a note to set up future Thor sequels rather than marvel movies, though with a cameo by Jeremy Renner, you absolutely could set up more of the world.
Overall, this movie is a solid A. No ifs and ors about it, the absolute best Marvel movie to date, and by extension, the second greatest comic book movie to date.
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