And the graphics are very pretty. Yeah it's superficial, but they are pretty in a lighting kind of way. Because of the very nature of the Tron universe, everything is all about light and shadow. And because it is about light and shadow the visuals reflect this. This is the kind of movie you watch in hi-def with the very best quality screen/projector possible. True Imax given the chance. It will own your very soul. But the movie does something else, it gives you something that is enjoyable to watch. It isn't Avatar where everything is so dull that the only thing you have to enjoy is the pretty, here the pretty is icing on the cake.
The story is a continuation of what came before. It in every way honors it but it in no way hides from it. We get a full view of this world and the movie works wonders because of it. It is not without flaws. There is some pretty heavy handed christian symbology and alegory that in the last half hour becomes nearly distracting. I don't want to say too much but I will say that it honors its predecesor and builds on it in a way that the star wars prequels and the Abrams Star Trek didn't.
The acting is good. Yes. no. Well. Kinda? Okay, some of the performances are a little hokey. But again, that's the point. Jeff bridges and his CGI body are pulling double duty again and it works great. The idea of deaging someone with graphics has finally reached the level of the technology we have. Olivia Wilde does a better job here than she does anywhere else in that she's playing a different character. For once she wasn't type cast and she actually gets some oppertunity to shine and show subtlty. The main actor does a capable job. He never overplays it, but he never underplays it either. He never defies expectations. He also reminds me considerably of Jensen Ackles every second he is on screen. Only I keep wishing he was Jensen Ackles.
I would be doing a disservice if I didn't recomend the soundtrack composed by Daft Punk. Everyone whose seen it knows what I'm talking about, it's sold out at Best Buy RIGHT NOW. Two weeks later. That's impressive. It is an amazing soundtrack whose full musical quallity is worth it's weight in gold and then some.
Overall I would say that this movie is an absolute A-. It's not perfect, it is actually a really enjoyable flick. Go check it out.
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