(this review is two weeks old, it just somehow failed to post!)
It's not as good as Buried, but you should see both. This is Danny Boyle's latest film. A director who continuely proves he's one of the best in the world. Much like several other modern directors, he is the kind of man who will be remembered for putting together movies that are often great, and often overlooked.
This film may end up forgotten in the hubbub of winter holidays. But This is a bigger summer action event than anything we've seen this last summer. And it delivers a lot more. The movie is the story of a brave man who decides to go on a weekend rock traversing trip by himself. Problems incur when tragedy strikes and he's forced between a rock and a hard place(one of which is metaphorical). This stars James Franco and really not much anyone else. This movie while perfectly executes almost everything it does, it was decisions on the writing part that make it feel like a safe story. Frequently you have James Franco talking to a camera. So even though he is alone he has someone to speak to. The camera here functions in the same way that the cell phone functioned in Buried. And yes there are many more parallels but as I am trying to keep from spoiling either film, I won't go into them. but, where I felt Buried was bold by never leaving Ryan in that film, here we frequently leave James physical self for dreams, wide shots, and hallucinations. Overall, this is a less impressive spectacle of substance as Buried. So it's not as good as Buried, but it is very much a good movie. Grade B.
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