Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Its a romantic comedy, no seriously its good. - a review of RED

To start off I'm going to preface this by saying I will be talking about spoilers and also a quick note.
This movie is absolutely a watch, go see it. Worth your time.


It's a romantic comedy between Mary Louise Parker and John McClain, I mean Bruce Willis. No seriously. It's a really good movie, but this is such a take a date to this movie kind of event. No joke, there are two major couples and the dates will swoon or at least good d'awwww.

So the movie starts with Bruce Willis going about his day. We see he's got some weird eccentricities. Then he calls in to report that his pension check hasn't been received. when he's clearly holding it. Based on him and the operator's familiarity, he's been doing this for a while. We quickly learn its because he likes her, and hey it's Mary Louise Parker, what's not to like?

Bruce says he'll be in her city soon and she tells him to call her when he gets in town, this goes awry when he's attacked and pulled into a cycle of conspiracy that results in him kidnapping her, visiting Morgan Freeman, John Malckovich and Helen Miren. You also get Karl Urban as the man hunting Bruce Willis down with a bit part as Vice President by Doctor Doom, I mean Julian Mcmahom(or however his named is spelled).

We get this pretty fun journey of Bruce's to find out why he's being hunted and at the same time he unravels a conspiracy. Sounds kind of typical for an action/spy movie huh? well it is. That plot is pretty flimsy and its the other things like the love story angle, and these characters who feel like they were friends getting back together. And you'll feel it too. This movie has so many stars and appearences by actors from the past you will feel like you are seeing some old friends come together for the first time in a while. And I really feel these guys as friends. They do a good job of taking what could have been some unlikable hit-men and women and made them super likable and then they put great actors and actresses in the roles to further that goal. The players here are really strong actually. This is one of those movies where the plot is cliche enough but not too cliche that you'll get some enjoyment out of it even if you don't like the other stuff. It is enough to keep even the fickle and elitist(like myself) at bay for the running time. The acting is filled to the cup's brim that you fall in love with these people. All of the principals are giving great performances, with Mary Louise Parker stealing the show most of the time. There is one point where Karl Urban(who gets a great entrance by the way of talking on the phone to his family, and then killing a man, and then continuing as normal), is fighting Bruce Willis. The fight is roaring. It's a great fight. You even have Back in the Saddle playing at a great moment. And then it cuts away to MLP sitting in a lounge trying to not act suspicious, but she just looks surprised and if you pay close attention you'll notice she's reading Forbes magazine. Upside down. It is this two second shot that fits perfectly but is also acted so well that its comic gold.
This is a movie that is going to be well liked because much like the other great indy comic movies this year, Kick-Ass, Scott Pilgrim, you have great action, great comedy, and a strong love story. If you like action comedies, this was the comic year for you. This movie will fill a different kind of void that the other two didn't fill which is one that appeals to an older generation. It has all of the witty dialogue, the smart action, and the entertaining world of SP and KA, but it also has that old friend feel.
I don't want to rate this movie, because I can't quite settle on a score. But I'd say at the worst, it's a B+ at it's best its an A-. I don't have a middle ground so it's a A-/B+. So if you don't have Buried playing near you this weekend, or if you just aren't in the mood for a dark movie like that and need something fun and light hearted, this is the movie for you.

Also they kill the black guy. I told you there be spoilers in here.

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