70.LA Confidential(1997)
Director: Curtis Hanson
This is a well written, well executed, and well acted film. I have a few issues here and there with the direction, but there are alot of moments in the film that simply will blow you away. This is one of the film where I feel like Guy Pierce is one of our most underused actors of our generation and could use more exposure.
I can not mention this film without mentioning Kevin Spacey. He sells this movie for me. Without Kevin Spacey this film might not be on this list, his acting is top notch, and I'd almost argue it's his best performance he's given. Kim Baisinger is pretty spectacular in the film as well.
69.Say Anything(1989)
Director: Cameron Crowe
This is the be all end all of romance movies. No it's not a "chick flick". There are a number of negative conotations associated with "chick flick" that this film shouldn't be grouped in with. It does follow the age old basic romance movie formula, Girl meets boy. boy falls in love with girl. Boy gets girl. Boy loses girl. Boy wins girl back. But there are also some interesting sub plots along with a fantastic character played by John Cussack. One of things that I believe Cameron Crowe knew was that this film was going to survive solely on the quality of the actor playing Lloyd. And it is through Lloyd that we are able to witness this world that could today be easily seen as a cliche but instead it is translated into an original(okay that might be a bit of a stretch) story that breaks tradition and instead might just surprise you with how true to life these characters are portrayed. Teens have sex, drink, but they also are good people in there too and are just caricatures. The one thing I always say about this film is that it is for me the first last and best romance movie ever made. And with so few exceptions(that I can count on one hand) there has never been a reason to make another romance movie(unless your a studio trying to make money).
68.Raiders of the Lost Ark(1981)
Director: Steven Spielberg
A classic adventure of Action, Romance, and Comedy. Harrison Ford's Indiana Jones is an American Icon that also happens to be a really well done film. With great directing as was the pattern(before Spielberg slipped into his disturbing trend in the 90's/2000's) and pretty good writing on the part of George Lucas before he became the CGI hack you are taken on a ride that keeps up and who doesn't love some Nazi killing goodness?
67.Star Trek(2009)
Director: J.J. Abrams
Now I know I am going to take some flak for putting this up so high on this list(or at all) but hear me out. More than any other film in the Star Trek franchise, this film managed to take elements of science fiction and made them both interesting and unique(and not just geek porn shots of the Enterprise, I'm looking at you Motion Picture). And you would think with a film so heavily entrenched in mythology and time travel that it would be completely inaccessible to non fans, especially people who don't know a thing about The Original Series except that it had Spock in it(I'm serious, there is a large percent of people who don't know who Captain Kirk is) and they managed to introduce an incredible amount of characters who will become name brands again. The movie is not perfect, there is a chunk of material involving Nero that just isn't up to the standard of the rest of the film, but you have performances from Zachary Quinto, Simon Pegg, John Cho, Karl Urban(!!!), and of course, Leonard Nemoy, that just knock this film out of the park for being one the greatest science fiction films out there. And if you are a fan(unless you are a purist) you too are going to be entertained proving that you can appeal to both the fan boy and the casual viewer without bending the franchise over the counter and having your way with it.
66.In Bruges(2008)
Director: Martin McDonagh
Oh man is this movie messed up. There are so many lines crossed in this film. And it is those very line crossings that make this film such a great dark comedy. And with great acting from Colin Farrell and Ralph Fiennes you really get a sense that these are hit men who are written. But they are written to entertain(which they do) and really is going to defy your expectations. The real reason this film works is because it throws up concepts like being politically correct and instead goes for the more extreme, but it is a logical extreme that improves the film as a whole.
Director: James Cameron
The horror/action movie that has been described to be as the best in both genres. The film is good, taking all of the concepts in the original Alien and toning them differently so that they work and function more to the strengths of James Cameron's strengths. But keep in mind that the directors cut adds about 20 minutes of padding to the film. It doesn't necessarily fair better or worse than the original, it simply enhances your viewing experience.
Director: Ivan Reitman
This is a film much like several others that has been hyped up to no end. And it meets those expectations created by such hype.
63.Casino Royale(Bond)(2006)
Director: Martin Campbell
This, I feel, is the only bond film where I don't feel like I'm watching a dumb action movie. Instead I feel like it grounds bond down and you the viewer feel more like you are watching a character than this stereotyped James Bond persona.
62.Maltese Falcon(1941)
Director: John Huston
One of the best noir films, Bogart is going to have you believing you might just get wacked at any moment. This is one of the best adaptations of a literary work. Period.
61.Toy Story 2(1999)
Director: John Lasseter & Ash Brannon
It takes what the original did, and expands the scope of it. a continuation of what had come before without weakening the resolve or power of the original. Don't believe me? For a limited time only(as of the time of this being written in the fall of 2009) a double feature is being released of Part one and Two and you can see for yourself that Toy Story 2 did for Toy Story what Godfather Part two did for Godfather.
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