Okay Okay.
I may have failed to actually maintain this blog thus far. So Let us try this again.
The original conceit of this blog may have been bigger than my briches(and really, schedule) would allow, and as such Something new shall be born. At it's heart this will be a text review site for geek interests and a few random things I find interesting. Specifically, in the next two weeks I shall be preparing and posting reviews of the recent episodes of Dollhouse, and Battlestar Galactica; Watchmen (the graphic novel); Watchmen (Zack Snyder's Theatrical cut); Let the Right one in; Fallout 3(Assuming I have the time to complete the game this week); Tsubasa Chronicles vol. 12/13; xxxHOLIC vol. 4; select comics from the last month at my discretion(likely the top two or three and bottom two or three of my pull list).
As a caveat this will(for the time being) serve as a review site, and a blog, meaning that I will be putting up reviews but periodically putting information such as convention reviews or writing projects(that I'm allowed to disclose) that I am at work on.
So a few updates. First I must talk about my current writing project which is I am working on which is a labor of love. I say that because even if I finish it, even if it's beautiful and perfect(Ha!) then there is still a very real chance that it will forever sit never to be touched, produced, or even thought of outside of my head and the brief time you the reader remember it. That is because I have a strong desire to write an adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island. I am in the process of my fifth read of the book(on my way to and from Seattle to see Betrayal, which'll have a review later this weekend). It isn't necessarily the best book available, however most of my favorites usually aren't. Instead I tend to favor things I enjoy more. They aren't necessarily better, but they are in my heart. For example my top ten film list is this:
1. Serenity
2. The Dark Knight/Batman Begins
3. Garden State
4. Southland Tales
5. Donnie Darko
6. Rocky
7. Cool Hand Luke
8. Godfather
9. Sin City
10. The Fall
Now likely you've seen(and statistically based on box office you have seen at least one) more than one film on this list. But it's also possible you've never even heard of Southland Tales, The Fall, and possibly Serenity depending on your love for Science Fiction/Westerns. Younger generations may not know Cool hand luke. But there are films on here for every type of person, and I highly suggest having to see all of them.
But as I have fallen into a tangent about films I should explain my film background. I am currently a student working to become a writer for television. I do whatever courses I can to write, and a write Decently. I formerly worked at a blockbuster where over my two year tenure I managed to see nearly 3-4 films a week(as a benefit you are allowed 5 rentals a week). As such I saw somewhere near 400 films. That doesn't include the fact that for a year I saw at least one movie a week in theaters, or rewatching those films on dvd. So you can see within that time period alone I've seen over 450 films. Then add in the fact that I had seen some 400 films prior to that time in my life(first 18 years), And since have seen around 15 new films. I don't get to see films as often as I used to because since attending a university at the age of 20(I was at a community college for two years getting a Associates degree) I have become a full time student. I am going to try to change that. The plan is to see at least a film a week in some capacity. Be it DVD/TV/THEATER/Blu/Cheating whatever. I will find a way to see four films a month. Bringing the Annual total up to 48 which actually means I will be shy of 4 movies for the entire year.
When I first started this blog, Obama became elected president. Now he's been sworn in. So here's how it is. I'm going to start writing. Hopefully at least once a week so that by mid-april when I begin my campaign to distribute this link across the internet, you random reader who found this blog will go wow, this is entertaining and will hopefully share it as well.
Internet fads I'm currently into include
SpoonyMan. google him and check out the spoony experiment. his effort is fantastic.
Yugioh abridged via Little Kuriboh. His work is superb and I draw some inspiration from him(I've written a short play inspired by his interpertation of Mako Tsunami, aka THE freaky fish guy).
PHB PSA's: as a DnD geek I find these videos fantastic and suggest you support Creative Juices 7.
Red Vs Blue: Oh, Rooster Teeth, look how you've grown. Your stories have grown to be both cerebral and funny.
So this is the new first entry. Here is hoping that by the time next week rolls around, there really will be new entries and that this time I can keep myself to doing this blog.